Schools Broadband Connectivity The Way Forward Helen Wright Christine Springett
Broadband Requirements Symmetrical connection (min 2Mbps for primary) Connection through LA or RBC Link to the National Education Network Secure and safe Personalised online learning space for every user Develop Single Sign On with LA/RBC as identity provider No evidence thus far that these requirements will change Commercial supplier not able to provide all this
Embc connectivity now Connection to a regional Wide Area Network Resilient connections to the Internet Connection to the NEN Safe and secure – firewall, anti-virus, monitoring Becta accredited web filtering Data Centres
Embc services now Help Desk Website hosting Filtered email Video Conferencing Leicester Gateway School administration tools Personal online space SSO RBC representation at National Forums
End of Contract Current embc contract ends October 2012 Procurement timescales Smooth transition to new service
Possible Scenarios Scenario 1 Maintain current position: all connectivity and services are provided regionally
Possible Scenarios Scenario 2 All connectivity and services are locally provided by Leicester City Council
Possible Scenarios Scenario 3 Provision of connectivity and services is split. Those best provided regionally remain so. Others are provided locally, either by LCC alone or in partnership with one or more other Local Authorities.
What is happening now? Analysis Mason study of school and corporate requirements Decision on recommendations will be based on achieving best value for Leicester City Schools ie Quality of service Flexibility to meet future needs Robust and secure Value for money
Potential to develop new services to support schools from LCC eg VOIP Roaming access between schools Wireless access from home for Head Teachers Data storage and backup Centrally hosted systems for server updates, anti – virus Fully managed service
School Commitment What? A commitment for 3 years to LA city wide broadband solution for schools Why? Meet government requirements Safe and secure Achieve best value
Central Funding 2009 – 10 Upgraded non BSF secondary schools Ellesmere College Replaced and future proofed out of life Primary School routers Subsidised charges for primary and special schools
Central Funding 20010 – 11 Final year of central funds Priority is upgrades for Primary and Special Schools 4 schools in progress now Offer to all schools to request an upgrade Implications for ongoing charges Limited funds - Final decision based on need (current usage) Email