Kent State University Libraries Perspective The Mad World of Ebooks in the Scholarly Communications Supply Chain: A Focused Discussion OhioLINK Kent State University Libraries Perspective ALA Library Consortia & Publishers Meeting Saturday, June 26, 2010 9 AM – 12 PM Convention Center, Rm 148 Rob Kairis, Library Director Kent State University, Stark Campus Kay Downey, Collection Management Librarian University Libraries, Kent State University
Kent State University Libraries What makes it difficult for Kent State to acquire and deliver electronic books? Acquisition Workflow Publisher Embargos delaying access of e-books until print edition has been on the market for some time Multiple Provider Platforms NetLibrary/EBSCO, eBrary, …… Shared platform, platform standards Cost Current publisher pricing models based on print revenue ‘Lease vs. ownership’ why not ‘Lease to Own’ Patron Driven Purchasing approval plans
OhioLINK What makes it difficult for OhioLINK to acquire and deliver electronic books? Allow local loading in the EBC TK mentioned this? Multiple Provider Platforms EBC, shared platform standards Cost Current publisher pricing models based on print revenue ‘Lease vs. ownership’ is ownership necessary why not ‘Lease to Own’ ‘time share’ ‘ purchase based on use’ Patron Driven Purchasing challenges traditional collection development approach State wide PDA / eTextbook Initiative State approval plan