Healthy Relationships HB 121. Healthy Relationships Our daily lives involve contact with many different people. It is helpful when we can create meaningful.


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Presentation transcript:

Healthy Relationships HB 121

Healthy Relationships Our daily lives involve contact with many different people. It is helpful when we can create meaningful relationships with people from our daily lives. A healthy relationship will help us to: O Know who we are O Develop as a person O Grow emotionally O Communicate and keep meaningful bonds O Enjoy live O Have FUN!

Types of Relationships O Family O Friends O Romantic (boyfriend/girlfriend) O Casual: professional (teachers, doctors, clergy, etc.) and acquaintances (people you know and recognize)

Healthy Relationships Inner Circle of Friends/Family Friends Acquaintances

Healthy Relationship Inner Circle Unhealthy Characteristics Unhealthy Characteristics Negative Influences Negative Behaviors Negative Influences

What is Dating? Types of Dating O Going out O Together O Being with someone O Seeing each other O Just friends O Hooking up O Boyfriend/Girlfriend Who is a dating partner? Person you are in a relationship with What are the characteristics of a healthy dating partner: Respectful, trustworthy, honest, dependable, and supportive

What does your relationship look like? Unhealthy Relationship O Control O Dishonesty O Physical Abuse O Disrespect O Intimidation O Sexual Abuse O Dependence O Hostility Healthy Relationship O Equality O Honesty O Physical Safety O Respect O Comfort O Sexual Respectfulness O Independence O Humor

Relationship Violence What is relationship or dating violence? O It is a pattern of abusive behaviors used to exert power and control over a current or former dating partner. O Dating violence usually involves a series of abusive behaviors over a course of time.

Who experiences dating violence? O ANY teen can experience violence, abuse or unhealthy behaviors in a dating relationship O Dating abuse does not discriminate - - it does not see gender, sexual identity, economic status, ethnicity or religious preference

Statistics Who experiences dating violence? O One-third of teens report experiencing some kind of abuse in their romantic relationships, including verbal and emotional abuse. O 75% of Texas youth (ages 16-24) have personally experienced dating violence or know someone who has O Relationship violence is the number one cause of injury to women between the ages of O 70% of pregnant teenagers are abused by their partners.

Types of Dating Violence What does dating violence look like? O Physical Abuse O Verbal or Emotional Abuse O Sexual Abuse O Digital Abuse

Warning Signs O Checking your cell phone or without permission. O Constant put-downs. O Extreme jealousy or insecurity. O Explosive temper. O Isolating you from family or friends. O Making false accusations. O Mood swings. O Physically hurting you in any way. O Possessiveness. O Telling you what to do.

Dating Bill of Rights & Responsibilities Your Rights: O To be heard O To end a relationship O To have an equal relationship O To say no to physical closeness O To refuse a date without feeling guilty O To ask for a date and accept no for an answer O To have friends other than your dating partner O To participate in activities that excludes your partner O To have your own feelings and be able to express them O To set limits, be able to say yes or no to choices O To have your limits, values, feelings, and beliefs respected O To say "I love you" without having sex O To be yourself, even if it is different from every- one else or from what others want you to be.

Dating Bill of Rights & Responsibilities Your Responsibilities: O To determine your limits and values. O To respect the limits, values, feelings, and beliefs of others. O To communicate clearly and honestly. O To be considerate. O To make decisions on what is good for you.

Resources and References Where to go for help: O Your BMMS Counselor, Student Assistance Counselor, Administrator, SRO or Teacher O A parent or trusted adult O Denton County Friends of the Family O O O O O