MRSO Update James Long MRSO
Meter Registration Code Original Meter Registration Agreement was pre SAP and pre SEM Significant part of it now redundant e.g Old pre SAP forms Changes in market structure (SSA vs. SEMO) Draft of revised agreement submitted to the CER Now need views and inputs from participants Discussion document to be circulated in July When agreed all participants will be asked to sign new agreement
NQH to QH List of sites identified Notification issued to all affected suppliers Transfer date will be 1st July 08
13 Month Re-Aggregation Re-Agg covering the period Jan 07-Jan 08 was ran at the weekend MRSO will be in a position to issue the details via CD by week ending 040708
Archiving of Billing Documents Problem with space on profiles table Would have caused problems with daily aggregations Number of options looked at but only viable option was to archive 2005 billing docs Manual adjustments required for Pre Jan 06 reads SAP upgrade in Aug/Sept will solve the table space problem