World Diabetes Day World Diabetes Day November 14. The campaign draws attention to issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world and keeps diabetes firmly in the public spotlight. The theme of World Diabetes Day is Women and diabetes - our right to a healthy future World Diabetes Day
What is Diabetes? A person’s blood sugar levels are too high Type 1: Pancreas produces little to no insulin Type 2: Over time, lose ability to use the insulin that the body makes
Who has Diabetes? In 2014, 387 million people have diabetes; by 2035 this will rise to 592 million Type 1: Usually diagnosed in children and young adults About 5-10% of people with diabetes have type 1 Type 2: Older Adults Children, adults, and older adults!!! About 90-95% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes
How Bad is Diabetes, Really? Every 10 seconds one person dies of diabetes Increases your risk of…. Heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke by about two times. Other complications include blindness, numbness, amputation, impotence, and kidney failure!
Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Obesity Physical inactivity Impaired fasting glucose levels Body fat distribution Age Race/ethnicity Previous gestational diabetes (GDM) Family history of diabetes Can be modified
What Do You Mean “It Runs In The Family?” Family history of a disease: one or more of your relatives had a disease If you have a family history of a disease, you might have a higher risk of developing the disease than the average person Some combinations of your family history, your environment, and your behavior put you at higher risk for developing diseases
How to Prevent or Delay Diabetes Become more active. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Avoid items with concentrated sugar, such as candy bars and soft drinks. If you are diagnosed with pre‐diabetes, follow your doctor’s orders. How to Prevent or Delay Diabetes
Diabetes is a serious, preventable disease that strikes about seven million people each year You can adopt healthy life style and use knowledge of family history to prevent type 2 diabetes! In Summary.. Microsoft Office Clip Art. 2003. [cited 28 August 2005].
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