How it works………. 1) Each student is given a record card with a specific exam question written on one side. Explain why many products are manufactured in mass production using Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM). (8 marks) 2) Question should normally be worth around 3-10 marks, allowing for differentiation across the group. Colour coded cards could also be used. 3) Initially, students will use their notes/textbook to produce an answer to the question. They are later given the mark scheme, to perfect their answer. 4) Their perfected answer is then written on the reverse of the card. CAM manufacturing is more efficient. It is accurate and much faster than manufacture by hand. Materials purchased in bulk are much cheaper than in smaller quantities. CAM makes every product the same within pre determined tolerances. CAM allows fro larger quantities to be made in a shorter space of time. Less people are involved in manufacture by CAM – less cost in terms of workforce. Initial cost of machine set up is offset by mass quantities of product made.
5) Students are the organised into groups of 8 or 10 and sit/ stand opposite each other in two lines (4/5 on each side) holding their own question card.. 6) One students reads aloud their question to the person facing them. 7) The student opposite will respond saying their answer out loud. I find giving students a set time to complete the answer is best to keep pace. 8) If a students is struggling, prompts or cues can be used to help them. 9) Like with speed dating, when the time is up, the student reading the question awards the student a mark for their answer. The perfect answer is then read out to them. 10) Students then swap roles and the other student asks the question on their card.
11) One row is told to move along one space and the process starts again. 12) As the exercise repeats students will hopefully get better at giving more detailed answers. If being used for revision hopefully students will remember more and more as the questions come up again.
Where has it been most successful for me? -Year 11 exam revision -Generally incorporating exam questions into lessons at KS4/5 -KS3 recap on prior learning as a starter or plenary