Customs duties (I) No prohibition. Negotiation between Members about concessions on a product-by-product basis or under the linear reduction approach: schedules of concessions Principle of reciprocity and mutual advantage: relative reciprocity for developing countries MFN treatment
Customs duties (II) Binding character of the schedules. Members must accord to products imported from other Members treatment no less favourable than that provided in the Schedule and those products will be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess. Type of customs duties. Classification of products (Convention on harmonised system).
Dumping (I) No prohibition: generic condemnation. Anti-Dumping Agreement. No duty of enacting anti-dumping legislation and adopting anti-dumping measures. Definition of dumping: 3 elements
Dumping (II) A) the normal value of the product exceeds the export price. Normal value = the comparable price, in the ordinary course of trade, for the like product when destined for consumption in the exporting country. Alternative rules. Fair comparison between normal value and export price: due allowance for differences Calculation of margin dumping (zeroing).
Dumping (III) B) there is an injury or a threat of material injury or a retardation of domestic production. Notion of domestic industry: related producers. Positive evidence. Objective determination.
Dumping (IV) C) a causal link between dumping and injury to domestic production exists. Non-attribution requirement.
Dumping (V) In case of dumping the Members may conduct an investigation under the WTO rules (about initiation, conduct and duration) and adopt provisional measures, price undertakings or anti-dumping duties