Maths at Rothwell St. Mary’s 2018 onwards
Maths at St. Mary’s Our aims this year: Develop a Mastery approach to the teaching and learning of maths Develop fluency within all learners Prepare children for the new Multiplication Tables Check 2020
What does it mean to master something? I know how to do it. It becomes automatic and I don’t need to think about it. I’m really good at doing it. I can show someone else how to do it.
Accelerating learning is piling the boxes one on top of the other trying to get higher and higher to the next level. Mastery and depth is about opening the box and exploring what’s inside - evidencing learning in a range of contexts.
Maths Mastery Deep and sustainable learning The ability to build on something that has already been sufficiently mastered The ability to reason about a concept and make connections Conceptual and procedural fluency
What this looks like at our school Through training with the West Yorkshire Maths Hub our teachers have received personalised training to develop a mastery approach to teaching and learning. Classes from Reception to Y4 are using Mastery materials from the Maths Hubs to develop this approach. These will grow with these classes throughout their school journey.
Developing fluency A Maths Mastery Curriculum requires children to be fluent in simple number facts Adding 2 Bonds to 10 Doubles to 20 Adding 1 Adding 10 Adding 0 Near doubles Doubles to 10 Bridging and Compensating
The Multiplication Tables Check June 2020 Yr4 children (current Yr3) On screen test Less than 5 minutes to complete 6 seconds to answer 25 questions
Times Tables Rock Stars MTC simulator 6 seconds per question 25 questions Immediate score to show areas to develop
How you can help at home? Sign up to a parents’ account! Support with TT Rock Stars Sound check is the MTC simulator Check the ‘stats’ section to see where additional support is required Give children support with times tables grids or written methods whilst developing fluency Sign up to a parents’ account!
How you can help at home? Fluency support: little and often Use the phases to support children in learning key number facts e.g. 2 + 8 = 10 12 + 8 = ? 20 + 80 = ?
How you can help at home? Strategies we use for each year group will be shared on class pages Consistency in strategies supports development
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
Year Four
Year Five
Year Six
Finally….. Speak positively about Maths. All children have the potential to achieve if they believe they can!
Any questions?