TB VACCINES WORKING GROUP Douglas Young Stop TB Partners’ Forum New Delhi March 2004
live attenuated Mycobacterium bovis bacillus of Calmette and Guerin BCG VACCINE live attenuated Mycobacterium bovis bacillus of Calmette and Guerin
BCG provides some useful level of protection against childhood TB BCG provides little or no protection against adult pulmonary TB
X Primary tuberculosis, post-primary tuberculosis, and BCG disease immune response disease reactivation reinfection 1° disease X disease BCG infection bacterial load few weeks months/years/decades
1. prevent establishment Profile of improved tuberculosis vaccines disease disease disease bacterial load 1. prevent establishment of initial infection 2. prevent progression from latent infection to active disease
attenuated mycobacteria preclinical screening of 268 TB vaccine candidates attenuated mycobacteria (25) recombinant vaccines (29) DNA vaccines (43) purified proteins (114) Ian Orme, Colorado State University
two new TB vaccine candidates are now in phase I clinical trials
Vaccine Expectations
partially protective vaccine + improved diagnostics + new drugs clinical trials: opportunity for capacity strengthening
Vaccine Working Group Activities provide an international forum for discussion of vaccine issues economic case for TB vaccines standardised regulatory requirements trial site directory immunological assays BCG interactive website