Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) 2011-2012 Elementary Principal’s Meeting June 23, 2011 Wendy Carlyle, Director
AIG Program Stats 2010-2011 26,842 AIG students (4-12) 18.73% of WCPSS Population Funding from state at 4% of ADM
Early Entry to Kindergarten AIG Central Services Review Team processes packets submitted by parent to determine if a child meets the state test score eligibility requirements Packets are sent to the Principal at the child’s base school with review committee decision sheet (cc: AIG teacher) Principal &/or school based committee evaluates portfolio and completes early entry process School contacts parents with decision Once enrolled, the parent and/or principal may request that the child be withdrawn based on substantial evidence documenting that the child is not adjusting satisfactorily to the school setting.
AIG Plan for LEA 3 year plan from LEA to NC DPI – 2011-2012 is review year Evaluation of program; revisions to guide in positive direction Main goal= clear, consistent programming to best meet students’ individual needs while promoting high growth AIG Teacher focus is student centered
AIG Teacher Focus AIG teachers at ES & MS provide direct services to identified students (push in or pull out) for 70% of work schedule at school Other AIG duties distributed evenly throughout work schedule (no specific day for AIG paperwork, conferences, etc) for 20% of work schedule at school Planning/PLT time maximum of 10% of schedule Moderate students served in the regular classroom
AIG Teacher Focus Focus on identified students and data to achieve high growth (strong/very strong) Modeling for other teachers during classroom push in, but not delivering Differentiation Professional Development at school sites-C&I Differentiation/PD to deliver to district Enrich, extend, accelerate the Standard Course of Study in Reading/Language Arts and Math Report to principal and are employees at school sites who are charged with providing services to gifted students
AIG Months Of Employment MOE assigned according to specified ranges at elementary & middle school levels Ranges are based upon total AIG student population at each school site MOE are to be used to serve AIG students: moderates in regular classroom; strong & very strong in regular classroom & pull-out; program paperwork/folders for every AIG identified student, parent conferences, etc. Teachers employed with AIG MOE will submit schedule and contact information on AIG Wiki Teachers employed with AIG MOE are expected to attend AIG district meetings & trainings (substitutes will not be covered by AIG due to budget constraints)
IDENTIFICATION CRITERIA & GUIDELINES CogAT scores 85% to qualify for 3rd grade ITBS testing 92% or higher on formal indicators to qualify for services Informal indicators should be 3* or 4 at ES & A or B at MS with portfolio supported performance which is one or more grade levels above the current grade level Streamline forms for clarity & efficiency Alternate pathway available for students, specifically those from under-represented populations
AIG Central Services Staff Wendy H. Carlyle, Director Pam Young, Psychologist Patricia Carr, Coordinating Teacher Joni Currin, Coordinating Teacher