09/20/17 (Turn your HW in to the silver tray) QOD What is a peninsula? A peninsula is a body of land with water on 3 sides. I can describe farming in Ancient Greece.
09/20/17 Agenda I can and QOD Agenda Vocab Flashcards Notes 25.3 and 25.4 Website introduction
25.3 Farming in Ancient Greece Super difficult Rocky land No major rivers, so no irrigation Couldn’t grow wheat easily (wheat makes bread) Needed crops/products that don’t need much space Grapes OLIVES Goats Bees Chickens Lack of good land caused wars between settlements
25.4 Starting Colonies A shortage of land was causing wars Solution? Start a colony Preparations Consult an Oracle Gather supplies and tools (everything you need to survive) Location, location, location Needed a natural harbor Good farmland No people (or a very small group) Colonies spread Greek culture all over Mediterranean