7A Homeroom/Junior High Language Arts Mr. Alex Gallant Curriculum night 2016 7A Homeroom/Junior High Language Arts Mr. Alex Gallant
About the teacher – Mr. Alex gallant Born and raised in the Puget Sound area Attended Eastside Catholic High School Undergraduate: Arizona State University Graduate: Northwest University Extracurricular interests: Baseball, Coaching, Journalism/Broadcasting, Speech Team First year at St. Louise
7th grade texts Elements of Literature/First Course, Holt, Rinehart and Winston The Giver by Lois Lowry Beowulf by Robert Nye The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain Various texts/handouts in class See syllabus for full information (handed to students Wednesday or Thursday)
8th grade texts Elements of Literature/Second Course, Holt, Rinehart and Winston The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Various texts/handouts in class See syllabus for full information (handed to students Wednesday or Thursday)
Reading Logs Starting with first novel in late September Required for each novel read in class Signed by parent Space for notetaking Can be used on reading quizzes
Additional Reading in Language Arts Short Stories Poetry Speeches Multimedia/Digital Elements Real-World Relatability
Writing Activities 7th Grade 8th Grade Journal Entries Journal Entries Free Writes In-Class Assignments Worksheets Short Answer Essays Exams 8th Grade Journal Entries Free Writes In-Class Assignments Worksheets Short Answer Essays Exams MLA Formatted Research Paper
Speaking Activities Presentations (often with a partner or in groups) Poetry Recitations (7th Grade) Daily Participation In-Class Discussions Socratic Seminars Group Participation
Vocabulary/Grammar/Greek & Latin Roots Weekly Quizzes covering an assigned vocabulary, grammar, and/or roots list Will take place every Friday (unless school conflict/event/no school day/generosity from me) Practice earlier in the week in-class Not meant to trick students, but rather, build language base Will receive new lists every Monday
Grading Essays/Formal Writing Assignments 30% Classwork/Homework 20% Tests/Projects 20% Quizzes 15% Participation/Writing Journals 15% See syllabus for full information CHECK SKYWARD EARLY AND OFTEN
Communication Email: alexg@stlouiseschool.org Phone: (425) 746-4220 ext. 5428 Email is the preferred option Phone not set up to receive calls during school hours For emergencies/urgent information contact the main office and a message will be relayed Contact information on website as well as syllabus
Advocate for Own learning Always encourage students to be advocated for their own learning Communicate with me regarding any questions/comments Willing to be flexible if communication element is present Please let me know if starting to get overloaded
Late Work/Absent Policy 50% of grade if turned in no later than 2 school days after original, scheduled due date Extenuating circumstances can always be discussed If absent, please check-in the morning upon returning to school Prearrange absences if possible. Yes, sick days will inevitably happen at last moment. Email all junior high teachers when your child will be absent.
HOMEROOM INFO Room parents? Need 1 more. Field Trip Driver Forms Allergy Information Graduation Breakfast (planned by 7th Grade)