Major PAR form questions 30 April 2018 Prepared Frank Effenberger
Major PAR form questions The PAR form is completed on-line through the myProject system. Many of the PAR questions are proforma and are automatically completed by selecting a IEEE 802.3 amendment project. These items include Sponsor and the Working Group officers. This slideset therefore provides the nine major items from the PAR form to assist in consensus building leading up to approving a completed draft PAR form.
Bidirectional higher speed Ethernet PHYs
July 2021 July 2022
The scope of the project is to add physical layer specifications and management parameters for symmetric bidirectional 10 Gb/s and 25 Gb/s operation over one single mode fiber, over distances of 10km and 20 or more kilometers.
Bidirectional optical access PHYs are needed by point to point applications where the cost of fibers is to be reduced, as it requires half the number of fibers of a similar existing PHYs.
Fixed access providers, Wireless access providers, communication systems vendors, optical device manufacturers, and subscribers.