Were any layers of rock deposited after the igneous intrusion happened Were any layers of rock deposited after the igneous intrusion happened? (Explain your reasons) No, the igneous intrusion goes through all of the rock layers.
2. What is the youngest (most recent) event that happened in this diagram? (Explain how you know) The fault, it goes through the top layer, or The intrusion, it goes through the top layer, or The erosion at the surface of Earth which will become a future unconformity.
3. Is it possible to determine whether the igneous intrusion formed before or after the fault occurred? If so, which one is younger? No you cannot tell. Both crosscut the top limestone but they do not crosscut each other.
What is the youngest (most recent) event that happened in this diagram What is the youngest (most recent) event that happened in this diagram? (explain why you think so) The intrusion on the top right.
2. Is the igneous intrusion on the left older or younger than the unconformity (erosional surface) nearest the surface? EXPLAIN. The intrusion is older than the unconformity because the fault is younger than the intrusion and the fault is older than the unconformity.
3. Are the two igneous intrusions shown the same age? HOW DO YOU KNOW? No. The intrusion on the right is younger than the sandstone on top while the intrusion on the left is older than the sandstone on top. The fault is the clue. The fault is younger than the intrusion on the left. but older than the intrusion on the right.
4. Which two layers of rock may have been much thicker at one time than they are now? The sandstone in the middle (#4) and the shale at the top (#7). Both have an unconformity (erosional surface) at their top indicating rock material has been worn away.