By: Lela Allen and Gabby Hoffman The Amazing Maryland By: Lela Allen and Gabby Hoffman
Founded Founded in 1634 Founded by The Calverts Reason: wanted religious freedom 6th of the 13 colonies
Important People George Calvert His idea for founding it
Religion Religious freedom: Baptists, Catholics, Anglicans, Christians, and Protestants Fighting between Catholics and Protestants
Economy, Geography, Climate Climate: summers brought diseases, winters weren’t hard Geography: swampy Economy: farming(corn, wheat, indigo, and rice) manufacturing (ship building and iron works) fishing
Natural Resources Farming Cotton Livestock Forests Fish Corn Fruit Vegetables Grain
Fun Facts Became a state in 1788 Seventh state Original name is Pronounce of Maryland
Bibliography m/en/search/index.html?cid= &q=neon+letters
Questions Who founded Maryland? What was on of the religions of the colony? What year was Maryland founded? Describe the economy of Maryland.