First things first: Millennials always want to start with the good stuff: dessert. What does this have to do with Insurance & Finances? Everything. Our research at DQ showed that people didn’t just want ice cream. They wanted fun. Delicious fun to be exact. An experience. Not just a product. From a branding perspective, we leaned into the message that people should expect to have a ”Smiles and Stories” experience at DQ.
Secondly: This is how Millennials view the insurance industry Secondly: This is how Millennials view the insurance industry. This is NOT a picture of smiles and stories. Not really a great experience. This is a picture of distrust. It’s hard to trust this picture of how my money…my future…and my dreams are being managed.
Let’s bring it closer to home. Money’s can be a strange thing Let’s bring it closer to home. Money’s can be a strange thing. It’s not just about how much we trust the big companies and how they’re managing my money. It’s also about how I’m connecting with my partner. My significant other. My spouse. How’s the money conversation there?
And as much as Millennials would love for their Instagram selves to manage their finances…
They realize that their real selves are in the driver’s seat. And the core of how confident they feel in their financial future has everything to do with TRUST. Because money’s not just a one dimensional thing. We see the approach to money as 5-dimensional encompassing the PRACTICAL, EMOTIONAL, BEHAVIORAL, CULTURAL and SPIRITUAL aspects of who we are.
brightpeak’s mission is focused on helping a younger generation become financially stronger so they can live confident, generous lives.
We’re aspiring to build confidence and generosity at the core We’re aspiring to build confidence and generosity at the core. Starting with our relationships with Love & Money.
Because money’s not just a “me” thing. It’s an “us” thing Because money’s not just a “me” thing. It’s an “us” thing. And Millennials are squarely in the middle of becoming “Us” as they’re getting married, buying houses and having children.
So…to help them live lives filled with confidence & generosity, we’re providing them with direct access to products. Right now we’re focused on a personal money management app, Term Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, a savings account, and a Guaranteed Retirement Plan. And we know that direct access to these products barely scratches the surface of truly helping a younger generation.
So…we’re getting ready to launch a new digital engagement system called TOGETHER. TOGETHER is a digital personal love and money coach designed to help people become confident, content and generous in their relationships and finances. This is accomplished through personalized, behavior technology that helps people take small, confident steps towards growth.
Our customers…and we…will be able to digitally engage in our financial story…and our love story…at the same time…TOGETHER.
Thank You! Eric Hughes Chief Marketing Officer brightpeak financial eric.hughes@brightpeakfinancial.com #Love Brightly #LiveBrightly brightpeakfinancial.com