SIT Chair Introduction


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Presentation transcript:

SIT Chair Introduction Committee on Earth Observation Satellites SIT Chair Introduction Steve Volz, NOAA, CEOS SIT Chair CEOS 2018 SIT Technical Workshop Session 1, Agenda Item 1.4 EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany 13 – 14 September 2018

2018 SIT Technical Workshop In accordance with CEOS Governance and Processes: Follow-up on deliverables and continuity of issues raised at SIT-33: VC and WG continuity, sustainability, and outputs. Continuing development of CEOS relationships. Assess progress in completing our objectives in preparation for the CEOS and GEO Plenaries and UNFCCC COP and SBSTA Meetings. Highlight contributions to GEO – where are the connections and how do the VCs, WGs, and AHTs see themselves as contributing to GEO (including and also beyond what is listed in the GEO Work Programme) Report on the status of the CEOS Work Plan and actions to be implemented (see slide 5) Outcomes of the SIT Technical Workshop will include recommendations to be taken to the CEOS Plenary for decision. As such, all agenda items are for information/discussion. The Strategic Direction and Partnerships for CEOS Discussion Paper circulated prior to SIT-33 remains a useful reference for the Workshop discussions, as well as across the full two-year NOAA SIT Chair term.

2018 SIT Technical Workshop Objectives Continue Virtual Constellation (VC)/Working Group (WG) coordination discussions, from the VC/WG Day, July tag-ups, and SIT-33, with a focus on identifying SIT and Plenary level actions required to support the optimization of resource allocation and utilization, and on sustaining tangible outputs. Review the progress of the Ad hoc Teams (AHTs) since SIT-33, and identify SIT and Plenary level actions required. Revisit the topic of AHT lifecycles, both in general, and with a focus on preparing for the annual renewal of their mandates at Plenary. Update on the way forward for CEOS on the coordination of climate observations including on greenhouse gasses (GHGs) (e.g., AC-VC papers, joint CEOS-CGMS activities), the ECV Inventory and gap analysis, IPCC Inventories).

2018 SIT Technical Workshop Objectives Update on the way forward on data-related activities including the evolution of the Future Data Architectures (FDA) AHT and its activities, CEOS and Open Data Cubes activities, and LSI-VC’s work on Analysis Ready Data (ARD), and CARD4L (including potential expansion beyond land). An update and discussion around the CEOS approach to key partnerships, including CGMS, WMO, and GEO. Address CEOS organizational matters, including leadership continuity, CEOS Chair transition, and improvements to the annual CEOS Work Plan update process and status of deliverables in preparation for CEOS and GEO Plenaries. The focus of the SIT Technical Workshop will be not only on status reporting but more importantly, on encouraging discussion among the Workshop participants.

CEOS 2018-2020 Work Plan The CEOS Work Plan (3-year rolling) sets forth near-term actions to achieve the goals outlined in the CEOS Strategic Guidance document. (March 2018) Realize the CEOS Work Plan This document identifies our agencies’ commitments to working as members of CEOS Not a matter of how many deliverables an entity has signed up to complete but on the depth of the tasks and deliverables

SIT TW Mapping to Work Plan Interactive mapping of the CEOS Work Plan Deliverables to the SIT TW Agenda Expect reports and updates on Deliverables, esp. those due by CEOS Plenary

2018 SIT Technical Workshop Sequence of Events Thursday 13th Friday 14th 9:00am – 5:40pm SIT Technical Workshop Day 1 Intro and Welcome Climate and Carbon Data User Engagement Activities 9:00am – 4:30pm SIT Technical Workshop Day 2 Oceans and Water Cycle VC, WG, and AHT Sustainability Partnerships Work Planning and Close 7:15pm – 9:45pm Hosted Dinner Adoption of Agenda – with changes

SIT-33 Actions

SIT-33 Actions

31st Plenary and 2017 SIT Technical Workshop Actions CEOS 31st Plenary Actions 2017 SIT Technical Workshop Actions

Adoption of Agenda Minor Changes 2.6 (presenter) – Osamu Ochiai) 8.5 (time) – changed from 10 mins to 15 mins Other Changes?

Session 1 – Welcome and Introduction 1.1, 5 min: Welcome (Steve Volz) 1.2, 5 min: EUMETSAT Director General Welcome (Alain Ratier) 1.3, 10 min: Tour de Table Introductions 1.4, 15 min: SIT Chair Introduction (Steve Volz) 1.5, 10 min: Review of Chair Priorities (Mauro Facchini) 1.6, 30 min: Review of VC/WG Day Outcomes (VC/WG Nominee; Steve Volz was nominated)