Senior English 1/22/19 How is your case progressing? What do you need to do next? What has teeth but cannot eat? Gooseberry – The person that doesn’t have a date at a gathering. Goals – Continue working on your role in the Mock Trial. Homework – Questions and answers typed for tomorrow. No Vocab 16 on Friday. comb
Senior English 1/23/19 Have you proven your case in terms of both crimes? How do you know? Check the Jury instruction handout. What did the termite say when he saw the burning house? Doggo – to be in hiding, laying low. Goals – Work with Arian Nomo, to get ready for the case. If time we will play the objection game. Homework – Complete preparations and begin practice. Study for make-up 8-15 final on today or tomorrow. Bar-b-que later
Senior English 1/24/19 Who do you believe will win the case? Why? Why did the jelly roll? Dogsbody – a person who will do the odd jobs that nobody else wants to do. Goals – Work with Melissa McDougall, to get ready for the case. If time we will play the objection game. Homework – Get your assignments typed up. And ready to turn in. She saw the apple turn-over
Senior English 1/25/19 Why might objections be important in a court of law? How do they promote a fair trial? What kind of house weighs the least? Erk – the lowest rank in Navy or Air Force Goals – Work with Judge Short on preparing your cases. Homework – Read and annotate the objections handout for points on Monday. Study for vocab. 16 Thursday. Light house
What time do you go to the dentist? Fusby – fat and squat. Senior English Why might Mary Shelley call Frankenstein the modern Prometheus? (it is actually part of the title) What time do you go to the dentist? Fusby – fat and squat. Goals –Discuss comprehension questions from chapter 6. Make claims and cite evidence from the text. Homework – Read chapter 7 and 8. Prepare for discussion Monday. Tooth hurty. 2:30