Today’s Agenda Turn in Homework (DJ’s and Writing Project) Journal Discuss reading with group In-class writing project: Thematic Analysis Review [Novel] Notebook requirements Preview novel test, journal check Today’s Homework Assemble [Novel] Notebook – Due Wednesday May 1st Also on Wednesday… journals due, novel test. BE READY!
Journal Prompt: 25 April 2013 Congratulations! You’ve finished the novel! What connections do you make between the novel and our semester themes of social justice and human rights? What big messages or themes do you see in the novel? What does Harper Lee/Mary Shelley have to say about humanity? How can you prove your answers from above? What evidence do you have from the text? List examples of events or specific lines from the novel that support your thoughts.
Theme (Review) A theme is a central idea or insight about human life revealed by a work of literature. The theme is the revelation the writer wishes us to discover about that subject. Themes tend to fall in to two broad categories: Ambiguous themes - those that have no clear single meaning but are open to a variety of interpretations, even opposing ones. Universal themes – those that are commonly found in all the literature of all cultures and all ages.
Thematic Analysis For our final in-class writing project, you will develop 3 CDW paragraphs analyzing themes in the novel. As with all elements of your TKAM notebook, this assignment should be written neatly and in ink. I am providing you with a CDW worksheet as an organizational tool; however; you must write this out in essay form.
[Novel] Notebook Requirements This is on page 3 on your novel unit guide! At the end of this unit, you will turn in a notebook containing all of your work for this unit. All materials must be bound in a three-prong folder. Consequently, all work will be hole-punched; none should be loose in the notebook. Your work must be presented neatly and in order. It is recommended that your written elements be typed; at the minimum, they should be written neatly and in ink. The front cover of your notebook must include your name and class period, and must be clearly labeled as a “To Kill a Mockingbird Notebook” or “Frankenstein Notebook.” Optional: You may decorate or illustrate the cover.
[Novel] Notebook Requirements This is on page 3 on your novel unit guide! Include the following IN THIS ORDER: Dialectical journal entries for all chapters Maycomb Map Frankenstein Family Tree Finch Family Tree Symbolism Poster Symbolism Poster Conflict Map Conflict Map Ironic Scenes Poem for Two Voices Narrative Frames Ironic Scenes Postcard Thematic Analysis Essay
Novel Notebook Rubric Points Possible Points Earned Notebook Cover Includes name and class period, title. 10 Neatness and Organization All materials bound in notebook and presented neatly in order; all elements are typed OR written neatly and in ink. 20 Dialectical Journal Entries Dialectical Journal entries included for all chapters. 60 In-Class Writing Projects Includes all 8 in-class writing projects. Projects are thoughtful and complete, demonstrating knowledge of the literary element as it relates to the novel. 80 170
Novel Test Vocabulary (20 points) Literary Elements (20 points) Summary Skills (20 points) Annotation Skills (10 points) Plot Comprehension (30 points) 100 points possible
Journal Check The Lottery (15 points) 3 journals entries: 3/13, 3/15, 3/19 Mockingbird/Frankenstein (40 points) 6 journal entries: 4/1, 4/3, 4/5, 4/15, 4/19, 4/25 1 set of notes on novel/author: 4/1 Notes on Elements of Fiction (35 points) Setting, Character, Conflict Irony, Narrative Devices, Symbol, Theme 90 points possible