EXPERT GROUP ON PRIMARY HEALTH CARE The PHC EG is comprised of high-level experts representing the Partners
PHC EG Partner representatives Estonia Sweden (lead partner) Finland WHO/Euro Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland(Co leadpartner) Russia
PHC EG – role and objectives Primary Health Care (PHC) is one of the corner-stones in a well- functioning health system: Supporting health promotion Supporting disease prevention Ensuring better public health with more rational use of overall health care resources There is a need to share experiences and expertise in the organisation and delivery, funding mechanisms, human source development and stewardship on primary helath care
Current and future work Producing three thematic reports: Describe the situation of PHC in Northern Dimension region and the different remuneration systems of PHC and their implications Describe the role of PHC in health promotion and disease prevention in the ND region Highlight the implications of demographic changes for PHC
PHC EG - Promote general awareness concerning the role and significans of comprehensive community oriented primary health care as one of the cornerstones of a well-functioning health care system
Future work PHC EG is planning to initiate a discussion on the long term development of primary health care in the ND region Project based activities developed and implemented by EG members involving relevant stakeholders