Housing LIN 2016/17 (1st Quarter update) Jeremy Porteus Director
Housing LIN updates Policy & strategy news: Housing and Planning Act Adult Social Services capital Allocations http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/OtherOrganisation/LASSL_DH__2016__revenue_A.pdf LGA Commission on Housing NHF consultation on the future of supported housing Law Commission consultation on Event Fees in Retirement Housing
HAPPI 3 - APPG inquiry report Be as independent as they want to be Feel part of a community and choose how and when to they want to engage Have greater autonomy and feel that their lifestyles are met with wider health and wellbeing benefits from living in a ‘care ready’ environment Stay connected with their social or other support networks, including navigating and interacting with the use of technology, preventing isolation and loneliness
Housing LIN Update A selection of new Housing LIN Briefing papers: Older people and alcohol misuse: Helping people stay in their homes http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Support_materials/Practice_briefings/HLIN_PracticeBriefing_PHE_OlderPeopleAlcohol.pdf Better planning for car ownership and well-being in old age http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Support_materials/Briefings/HLIN_Briefing_CarOwnership.pdf Update Housing and Care Technical Brief http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Support_materials/Technical_briefs/HLIN_TechBrief_CareAndSupportInECH_2016.pdf
Housing LIN Update A selection of new Housing LIN blogs & viewpoints: Hatching a plan for older people's housing http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Support_materials/Viewpoints/HLIN_Viewpoint_78_PlanningforOPHousing.pdf The right move?: it's difficult making housing decisions in later life http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Blogs/HLIN_Blog_Barbara_Davies.pdf Home is where your heart is, whatever your age http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Blogs/HLIN_Blog_Home_is_where_your_heart_is.pdf
Housing LIN update New Housing LIN Case Studies A selection of new Housing LIN case studies: In sickness and in health - Extra Care Housing works especially well for couples http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Practice_examples/Housing_LIN_case_studies/HLIN_CaseStudy_122_FocusGroups.pdf End of Life Care Service for People with Dementia Living in Care Homes in Walsall http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Support_materials/Practice_briefings/HLIN_PracticeBriefing_PHE_EndOfLife.pdf Dementia and Housing Assessment Tool http://www.housinglin.org.uk/_library/Resources/Housing/Support_materials/Toolkit/HLIN_DementiaTool_Merged.pdf
Other Housing LIN activities Inspirational Achievements’ pages on the Housing LIN website Now organising 3 Housing LIN Leadership Sets in South West, North West and Yorks & Humber regions Developed new service webpages setting our consultancy, training and wider fee paying services to supplement our free online and regional Housing LIN networking activities Support role to Welsh Government’s Expert Group on Housing for Older People Working with Department of Health on Delayed Transfer of Care programme and Out of Hospital Urgent Care programme
Future activities & resources In the pipeline: A selection of regional conferences in England (eg Sheffield in October) and Wales Working with University of Bristol/Worcester and Kent (ECHO project); Sheffield (DWELL project) and KCL (telecare) A selection of new blogs, viewpoints, case studies and reports Influencing Spending Review government – policy development and funding opportunities (capital and revenue), including Local Housing Allowance Updating Housing LIN webpages Developing new Cancer Caring Environments programme with MacMillan Developing programme with OTs to assess adaptations and accessibility design in sheltered and extra care housing
Connecting with the Housing LIN Over 40,000 subscribers but still the ‘best kept secret’! Sign up to receive our free quartely newsletter, Housing with Care Matters, and weekly bulletin, LINks Check out our comprehensive online resources Get involved in our discussion fora Post relevant information on our regional noticeboard Follow us on twitter at @HousingLIN Host a regional Housing LIN meeting Write a case study or viewpoint Sponsor our website or an event
Thank you! C/o EAC 3rd Floor, 89 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TP email: info@housinglin.org.uk tel: 020 7820 8077 website: www.housinglin.org.uk Twitter: @HousingLIN