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Map Skills : 6 figure Grid References 124, 345
Give the 6 figure grid ref. for Windmill Battlefield Church TV Mast Castle Picnic site Where the river splits in two Name of main road
Answers 2 a) Hagg farm b) Dringe wood or picnic site c) Hollybush farm or caravan , camping d) Public House e) River Alwon or bridge f) Railway or station Answers 1 a) 262, 137 b) 273, 122 c) 289, 121 3 a) 272 or 273 or 274, 124 or 125 or 126 b) 271 or 272, 128 or 129 c) 277 or 278, 115 or 116 d) 265 or 266, 137 or 138 e) 287 or 288 or 289 or 290, 126 or 127 or 128 f) 274 or 275, 120 or 121
50 49 48 47 46 45 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Write the 6 figure grid references for the following places on the Hogwarts map Hagrid’s hut The Gatehouse Whomping Willow Hogsmeade Station Eragog The Shrieking Shack Honeydukes sweetshop Mervillage The Quidditch pitch A unicorn 11. The place where you could enjoy a butter beer! Extension: find other locations/objects and write down their 6 figure grid reference.
http://www. geographypods http://www.geographypods.com/uploads/7/6/2/2/7622863/6_figure_grid_refrences_worksheet.pdf http://www.hmdt.org.uk/hmdtmusic/trenchbrothersteaching/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2014/08/Geography-7-Reconnaissance-Mission-Worksheet.pdf