Year 5 Meet the Teacher Thursday 13th September 2018
Year 5 staff 5BF – Mrs Bilbe, Mrs Fielder and Mrs Richardson 5G – Miss Gardner and Miss Brown Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gower and Mrs Shearn PPA (5G Wed/5BF Thurs): Mrs Richardson
Curriculum Map
Curriculum newsletter As in previous years, you will receive a copy of the curriculum newsletter every time we begin a new unit. The newsletter details the learning that will take place in the ‘lead’ and ‘applied’ curriculum subjects. Other subjects may be taught discretely and may not feature on the newsletter.
Trips The two main trips in Year 5 are: Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium (To Infinity and Beyond!) TBC (The Legacy Lives On!)
Phase Expectations
PE 5BF – Monday and Friday 5G – Monday and Thursday PE KIT (contained within a named bag – not a rucksack) Red shorts and white t-shirt Winter – additional dark-coloured tracksuit Trainers suitable for indoor and outdoor wear
Embedded in our classrooms Foundations of Learning Thinking Skills Self-Awareness Collaboration Independence Christian Values Love Hope Grace Traffic Light System
Homework Maths and English tasks will be set weekly. Weekly spelling words given out on Friday. Homework will be handed out on a Friday, with a return date of the following Thursday. Homework Club is every Thursday and is run by Mrs Woods or Mrs Anstee in the library.
Spelling No Nonsense Spelling Program Spelling Autumn Term OUGH word string ABLE and IBLE suffixes Homophones Plurals- adding s, es, ies Hyphenated words Statutory Words
And finally… Any questions?