- MOUNTING OF MACHINE ELEMENTS ON TRANSMISSION SHAFT (PULLEY) Represented By :- 1) Kulkarni Manish 2) Kolte Lalit 3) Parlikar Shrinath 4) Patil Amol Guided By :- Prof. H.D.Mhatre
Introduction:- What are pulleys:- Pulley is wheel on an shaft for transferring power between belt and shaft pulleys can be found everywhere to make tasks easier. In addition to lifting things, pulleys can be used singly or with many pulleys working together in order to transport people or things. Pulleys mostly changes the direction of force to make work easier.
Construction:- Parts:- 1) cords 2) Ropes 3) cables 4)Belt’s Main parts:- A pulley wheel that can spin around. A rope that goes around it.
Applications:- Crane and the sailboat. The blinds of a curtain are moved with the help of a pulley. To take out water from a well is one application that almost everyone see. It is used in machine or mechanism. Pulleys are also used in vehicles to ensure that the parts of the vehicle work smoothly. A Gym is one place where one can find a lot of machines using the pulley system.
labeling Paper machinery Marine engineering Conveyors
INSTALLATIONS 1. Polish the motor shaft to remove all burs. 2. Remove dirt from the motor keyway. 3. Remove any burs on the key with a flat file as well (see Fig. 2). 4. Test fit the key in the motor keyway. 5. Ream pulley collar to remove burs. 6. Clean motor shaft, pulley, and key with a solvent (carburetor cleaner).
. Without the key in the keyway, slide the pulley onto the shaft. Note 1: Pulley should slide on easily by applying only hand pressure. Note 2: Do not use any lubricant on shaft. 9. Repeat steps 1-7 if pulley does not fit. 10. Remove the pulley from the shaft and insert the key into the keyway.
11. Gently slide the pulley onto the motor shaft. Note : The pulley should fit on the shaft without any play. 12. Align the pulley to the proper position and tighten the pulley set screws. Note: Pulley set screw should tighten down on top
Forces involved:- The Weight of the load does not change, it is the same for each trial. the Output force will be the force required to hold load steel it does not change since weight remains the same. As more strings are added, the input force required to achieve the same output force decreases.
Mechanical Advantages:- Work required to complete particular task is fixed Machine provides us mechanical advantage by decreasing input force and increasing distance. Mechanical advantage = Output force/Input force Mechanical advantage of 1 means Input force is equal to output force MA =1 means work with less force but it is for greater distance MA = F0 Fi
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