+ Infidelity in Marriage Group 8 Zhirong Lin Amanda Requena Constance Rose Ashley Winchester
+ Infidelity The action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other sexual partner.
+ Articles Understanding Infidelity: Correlates in a National Random Sample Attachment Insecurity and Infidelity in Marriage: Do Studies of Dating Relationship Really Inform Us About Marriage?
+ Purpose Understanding Infidelity: Correlates in a National Random Sample: The article explored the association of gender, marital satisfaction, and opportunity with infidelity in a model containing other demographic variables. Attachment Insecurity and Infidelity in Marriage: Do Studies of Dating Relationship Really Inform Us About Marriage?: Attachment insecurity in predicting infidelity to examine the role of studies.
+ Results Understanding Infidelity: Correlates in a National Random Sample: The Correlation between Income and Employment Relationship Satisfaction Religion & Infidelity
+ Results Attachment Insecurity and Infidelity in Marriage: Do Studies of Dating Relationship Really Inform Us About Marriage? The Correlation between Anxiously Attached Individuals and Infidelity
+ What Can Our Generation Learn from This Research? The Huffington Post states that over 5 million divorce cases are results of infidelity in marriage. Todays generation is so quick to rush into a relationship before realizing that its more than just an enjoyable experience. If past generations dont set the example for a serious committed relationship then by default the younger generation wont know how to go about being in one themselves.
+ Does Gender Play a Role in Infidelity ?
+ 40.5% percent of women felt guilty for cheating on their significant other. It was found that both age and gender had a joint affect on the likelihood of cheating. People under the age of 40 regardless of gender reported no differences in their reported infidelity. More men seem to feel once they are married they will want to cheat compared to women. Gender plays a role in some circumstances, that women will cheat for more emotional reasons as for men who cheat for physical and sexual reasons. Yet one can say gender does not play a role, since both genders cheat.
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