LAMAS Working Group 17-19 June 2015 Agenda Item 2.1 IESS (Integrated European Social Statistics) Framework regulation / Feedback from the DSS
Fourth round of discussion Several changes: Addition of recitals and definitions Rewording of Articles 2-5 Changes to the use of delegated powers Draft regulation now accompanied by multiannual rolling programme
Fourth round of discussion Majority of DSS members largely supported Articles 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 13 Discussion focused mainly on Articles 2, 3, 5, 9 and 12 (data collections including technical specifications, periodicity and transmission deadlines; planning; feasibility studies) and annexes
Article 2 "Data collections" and annexes 1-3 Article now includes lists of domains and topics, detailed topics are listed in Annex I. Only detailed topics could be changed by delegated acts Need for both detailed topics and modules? -> new draft! Too survey-oriented? -> Use of admin. data encouraged
Article 3 "Multiannual rolling planning" Period extended to 8 years Example provided No annual update – three years notice in effect Request for some information on no. of variables
Article 5 "Technical specifications of data collections" Merge with article 4 (elements common to several data collections)? Input harmonisation provisions in paragraph 1(f) -> new proposal for next DSS
Article 9 "Periodicity…" and annexes 4-6 Tighter deadlines for LFS Flexible deadlines for income variable to be explored Reservations on delegated acts noted
Article 12 "Feasibility studies" Compulsory or not? Special regime for coordinating? (Views from LFS workshop in Prague)
DSS Opinion - 1 Generally support for IESS, incl. multi-layered approach separating the policy and technical decision making, adaptability to evolution, integrated planning, harmonisation across surveys, quality requirements Many changes welcomed Concerns about use of delegated acts for multiannual rolling programme (Article 3) and for the adaptation of Annexes IV (periodicity) and V (transmission deadlines).
DSS Opinion - 2 Impact assessment important for Member States Consider merging the levels “detailed topics” and “modules" and examine how to operationalise the 20% limits for changes to the list of detailed topics (Article 2) Input harmonisation provision in Article 5.1(f) will be redrafted to be more specific. In addition, the text should not include "formulation of questions"
DSS Opinion - 3 Provision on feasibility studies in Article 12 will be redrafted to respond to the concerns of Member States about obligatory participation in feasibility studies The DSS recalled that the Wiesbaden Memorandum states that “to meet users’ needs, the development of a modern architecture for social statistics needs substantial investments and appropriate funding for European and national levels”