Joe Congero, Elisa Jaquez, and Che’ Johnson- McGregor The Plains Indians Joe Congero, Elisa Jaquez, and Che’ Johnson- McGregor
Agriculture The Sioux people were hunters and gatherers. The women took care of the children, made clothes, and gathered vegetables. For most of the year, the men wandered the prairies in search of food. The Pawnees and the Apaches planted corn, beans, squash, melons, and tobacco. They lived in round earth lodges. These lodges were huge. Some were 40 feet wide and about 15 feet high. They were warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Since these were fixed structures, the doorway did face east. The men hunted for food, and they also farmed. Corn was the most important crop they grew were stored in storage rooms. They had two huge ceremonies each year to thank the gods- one when they planted, and one when they harvested crops.
Clothes Like all Plains People, the Sioux used all parts of the animals they killed. Nothing was wasted. Hunters brought back deer, elk, moose, sheep, lions, coyotes and more to be skinned and eaten. The women wore dresses of deer skin and they made the soft fur from rabbits to decorate. The men wore leggings and gloves. They rarely wore shirts. The men sometimes wore necklaces and arm bands. The women wore earrings, bracelets.
Children When a baby was born ,it was a very big deal. They had a very big feast that was four days and they had nicknames. As they grew older, the children grew nicknames for their bravery. Some children won names by showing a talent like hunting, story telling, or marvelous weaver. The Sioux children were never spanked or hit. Their punishment was given a stern look. If a child was behaving very bad they would be given a very embarrassing nickname
Warriors After 1875 the Sioux didn’t have any more wars The Sioux would enter battle on horses. They wanted to get to the battlefield before the opposing side. The Plains Indians had a strong and spiritual leader named Sitting Bull Americans considered the Sioux Indians murderers and thieves. A local Milita went to the Sioux villages and killed 150, men, women, and children
Hunting Buffalo was the main food source for the Plains Indians. Buffalo was dried and cooked. The Plains Indian was made into Buffalo stew Bows and arrows were used to kill buffalo’s and deer and elk. They considered hunting eagles and getting their feathers a great reward For battle, the hunters would use the skin as armor The hunters would disguise themselves in order to make the buffalo believe that they didn’t want to kill them.
Religion The Sun Dance was known as an offering to the gods. The Sun Dance was in early July at Rosebud. Their main god is Wakan Tanka Wakan Tanka is a great spirit that created everything Their main religion was the Animist. No American Indian religion has bee more closely studied or more widely known then the Sioux religion.
Government All the adult men in the village were members of the village council The village council is divided into two parts The council elects a chief and the chief rules for life. The women had no parts in government and law. The first chief was Sitting Bull