What are you researching to learn about your selected superhero? Origin Story Superpower/Weapon Motivation (immediate motivation/larger concern – in other words, what event, idea, desire prompted the superhero to begin their superhero work?) Audience (who is saved?) Adversary Costume/Logo Other Features/Factors (Ex: kryptonite for Superman)
Complete the Superhero Chart on my teacher site. POSSIBLE SUPERHERO RESEARCH TOPICS: TO DO: Select a superhero. Complete the Superhero Chart on my teacher site. Send or share your chart with/to me or print your chart and submit it to me. Spiderman Daredevil Black Widow Flash Captain America Agent Carter Black Panther Ms. Marvel Hulk Ghost Rider Wolverine Thor Wonder Woman Green Lantern Silver Surfer Superman Mr. Fantastic OR YOU CAN SELECT A SUPERHERO YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH WHO IS NOT ON THIS LIST