Pre-Islamic Arabia & the Bedouins
What climate is this?
What are some challenges of living in a desert climate What are some challenges of living in a desert climate? How do you think people living in the desert in 500 c.e. met these challenges? 1. 2. 3.
WhY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO LIVE IN A DESERT?! IT WAS A Crossroads! Arabian Peninsula in Southwest corner of Asia Intersection of 3 Continents-Africa, Asia, Europe Trade routes link the 3 continents-Crossroads Influenced Arabian Culture & Society
Trade Trade- Spices, Silk, gold Mostly land but some by water Also introduced products & ideas
Physical Features Sand Dunes-or hills of sand shaped by the wind
Oasis-a wet fertile area in a desert
Climate Hot & Dry Summer 100 degrees daily Difficult for plants & animals to survive Mountains-Southern & Western borders Marshy land near Persian Gulf Where do people settle?
2 Ways of Life Townspeople Sedentary-settled in one spot Along trade routes in an oasis Mostly merchants and craftspeople Souk-a market or bazaar
2 Ways of Life People who move from place to place Live in tents Nomads People who move from place to place Live in tents Herders-sheep, goats, camels Belonged to tribe-protection shared land & water Caravan Trade-group of traders that travel together
Bedouin (bed-win) Desert dwellers-nomadic Descended from Desert nomads Still exist 1% of Arabia’s population, still preserve a mostly-nomadic way of life in the desert
Annotation Guide Circle unknown words ? For items that are confusing, or you need clarification about To self “I have seen Aladdin 1001 Arabian Nights” = for connections To world “Syria is a place in the news today” To class “papyrus Egypt 6th grade” Box words, phrases, sentences that are important You should have all four symbols on your paper! All annotations must have a note, or written comment!
The Bedouins: people of Arabia Highlight in YELLOW : evidence of how the Bedouins adapted to the desert environment Highlight in GREEN : evidence of Bedouins’ culture & lifestyle Highlight in PINK : evidence of responsibilities & roles for men/women/children
The Bedouins: people of Arabia Highlight in YELLOW : summarize how the Bedouins adapted to their desert environment Highlight in GREEN : summarize the Bedouins’ culture & lifestyle Highlight in PINK : summarize the responsibilities for men/women/children
1. What do you think was the most difficult part of life as a Bedouin 1. What do you think was the most difficult part of life as a Bedouin? Choose one from the three categories below and explain your answer. Desert Climate strict Behavior code Nomadic Lifestyle 2. Predict how the lives of nomadic tribes like the Bedouins will change after the spread of islam.