Q1. What do you mean by ICT? ICT means the use of technologies while communicating and making communication effective and efficient.
To what extend do you know about the services that government has provided regarding ICT? SMS/ 3G Sign language in interpreter in national television. Expensive applications. For instance, KNFB.
Q3. what are the hindrances faced while using ICT? Expensive mobile for using 3G service for deaf Expensive 3G calls
Q4. overall difficulties while using ICT Apps are not deaf friendly and is available only in languages Difficult to read version Unable to utilize gadgets such as mobile, laptops etc for inclusive education. Unaware about the usages of the technologies. Difficult to use the banking services such as ATM. E-banking for the visually impaired people. Mobiles and its various functions are useless for the intellectual disabilities except for the phone calls and listening to music.