Run3 f analysis: Proposal for PPG formation Dipali Pal Vanderbilt University Light/Heavy PWG May 26, 2005
PPG details Scope: -- fK+K- in run3 d-Au -- fK+K- in run3 p-p -- fe+e- in run3 d-Au Target journal: Physical Review C. Members: Dipali Pal (Chair) [VU], Debsankar M. (VU), Senta. V. Greene (VU) Dmitri V. Kotchetkov (UCR), Richard K. Seto (UCR) Alexander Kozlov (WIS) Timeline: First draft of the paper within 25 July, 2005
List of physics plots (d-Au fK+K-) Mass and width vs centrality mT spectra for minimum bias, 0 – 20%, 20 – 40%, 40 – 60%, 60 – 88% dN/dy and inverse slopes at different centralities (1/Npart)(dN/dy) vs Npart f/p and f/K ratios vs centrality Rcp
List of physics plots (p-p fK+K-) [Proposed by Dmitri Kotchetkov] Line shape (if statistics permits) mT spectrum. dN/dy and inverse slope. (1/Npart)(dN/dy) vs Npart RdA and RAA
List of physics plots (d-Au fe+e-) [Proposed by Alex Kozlov] fe+e- invariant mass plot mT spectrum
Steps needed Make a webpage and put all information Final combined (?) analysis note Need preliminary status for f KK in p-p. Weekly status report from three analyses.
Backup slide-1: d-Au fkk PHENIX Preliminary d – Au @ √sNN = 200 GeV d – Au @ √sNN = 200 GeV K+K- K+K- PDG PDG no cold nuclear line shape modification of mass spectra. See discussions in PPG016 (Section IV-A)
Backup slide-2 (d-Au fKK) PHENIX Preliminary For 3 most central bins the inverse slope parameter T average is 400 MeV For the most peripheral bin the inverse slope T = 312 MeV With extracted dN/dy multiplicities we can compare the production as a function of the number of participants Npart
Backup slide 3: d-Au fKK dN/dy increases with centrality and from d-Au to Au-Au system. About a factor of 3 increase in dN/dy per participant pair from d-Au to Au – Au!
Backup slide 4: Rcp d-Au K+K- pion
Backup slide 5 (RdA for identified particles)
Backup slide 6: Cross checking our single kaon extraction with PPG030
Backup slide 7: Yields of p-p f->K+K- in TOF and PbSc