Lambeth Patient Participation Group Network Network Wide Meeting @LPPGN Lambeth patient participation Group network
Definition of a Fully Functioning PPG Context Never had a clear definition from NHS England Different understanding of the role PPGs comments + LPPGN experiences LPPGN Gold Standard – one page summary Basis for more robust monitoring by CCG Fully functioning / Effective? Definition / Characteristic?
Fully Functioning PPG Terms of Reference Core group that meets regularly and make decision about PPG activities Record of meetings and being made available to all patients Diverse range of communication tools
Fully Functioning PPG Genuine partnership between practice and PPG; shared vision; senior level involvement Patient led but work in partnership with practice Work inclusively Link with communities
Questions General feeling about the definition? Do you have any concerns? What support is needed?
Table discussion
Monitoring – table discussion How do we know when these criteria have been met?