Jan-Geralt Bij de Vaate RadioNet PI PHAROS ASTRON JRA 3 PHAROS Grenoble April 2007 JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
PHAROS PHased Arrays for Reflector Observing Systems Introduction Motivation Focal Plane Array Concept PHAROS progress Conclusion JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
PHAROS PHased Arrays for Reflector Observing Systems 7 Partners, together covering all aspects of the Focal Plane Array design: ASTRON: system / management UMAN: beamformer INAF: cryostat UBIR: high temperature superconductive filter Torun: calibration and control CSIRO: digital beamforming THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
Motivation Focal Plane Arrays Multiple Fields of View Synthesize beams electronically Improvements in bandwidth, spill-over, illumination efficiency Improvements in flexible illumination (dish parameters..) Multiple Fields of View Enhancement of survey speed Closely packed beams (continues survey) JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
Motivation cnt’d Faraday FP5 research demonstrated principle, not performance Off the shelf components No cooling Simple control PHAROS Dedicated components Cryostat: 20K temp Full control / calibration JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
FPA concept JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
Faraday evaluation 4 Test sessions on the Westerbork array required Successful Good illumination efficiency demonstrated Low spill-over High Tsys / noise figure (300K) One instantaneous beam JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
Faraday evaluation Holography results 37x37 points: FPA cluster with W4 JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
PHAROS progress Proto Antenna Array measured Full array in production JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
PHAROS progress Cryostat design in production Radome/window produced JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
PHAROS progress Full suite custom ICs designed and produced JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
PHAROS progress Beamformer protos tested Full design in progress JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
PHAROS progress Control & Calibration JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
Milestones / Deliverables (limited) Delay in start-up (more) Delay in BF realization Manpower issue Full realization of proto type: end 2007 Test on Lovell dish Q1 2008 Finish ~1 year late Deliverable Deliverable/Milestone Name WP / Task No Lead Contractor(s) Planned (in months) Achieved (in months) 1 Technologies for FPAs 2-12 ASTRON 9 11 2 Design Generic FPA 13-20 18 21 Milestone No System requirements Review 7 3 Focal Plane Array Technology Assessment Review 12 JGBdV, April 2007, MTR
Conclusion Successful evaluation Faraday proto Basic design of all parts (nearly) finished No roadblocks Focal Plane Arrays already reached international future telescope concepts (e.g. SKA) JGBdV, April 2007, MTR