Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) Introductory Training This Module builds upon the knowledge of Modules 1 through 4. In Module 1 you learned what the DLMS are, how they contribute to interoperability, how the underlying organization and technical infrastructure pieces fit together and how they’re governed. In Module 2 you learned about the ANSI ASC X12 standard that underpins every DLMS transaction. You learned the standard is composed of building blocks beginning with the simple data element, how data elements build into data segments and how data segments form a complete transaction set. In Module 3 you learned how the transactions support the various logistics business processes and how to navigate the EBSO web site. In Module 4 you learned how the DLMS Implementation Conventions tailor the broad ANSI ASC X12 standard to specific DOD business process usages. In this Module you’ll learn how the DLMS can work together with other technologies to improve the effectiveness and efficiencies of logistics processes. IUID & RFID - Emerging Technologies
DLMS Training Catalog Module 1 - Introduction to the DLMS Module 2 - Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Basics and ASC X12 EDI Definitions and Concepts Module 3 - DLMS Functionality & Transaction Life-Cycle Module 4 - DLMS Implementation Convention Content Module 5 - IUID & RFID - Emerging Technologies Module 6 - Creating/Reengineering DOD Logistics Business Processes Module 7 - Enterprise Interoperability Tools Module 8 - DoD Activity Address Directory (DoDAAD) Module 9 - Supply Discrepancy Reporting (SDR) Module 10 - DLMS Functional Financial Transaction (standalone) Module 11 - Creating/Reengineering DOD Logistics (standalone) This is where Module 5 fits into the DLMS Introductory Training catalog. In Module 5 you’ll see the power and the flexibility of the DLMS to incorporate new data and processes by integrating new concepts and technology into business processes using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tags and 2D data matrix bar codes supporting unique item identification to improved pipeline visibility, streamline business event processing, improve data capture accuracy, improve pipeline visibility and support improved item life-cycle management. The module demonstrates the practical application and benefits of the IUID and RFID technologies when used in concert with the DLMS.
Module Structure Module 5 – IUID & RFID - Emerging Technologies Item Unique Identification (IUID) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) This Module will demonstrate how the DLMS can be used to integrate the following two technologies into logistics processes, the technologies discussed are: Item Unique Identification (IUID), and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Each will first be separately introduced and defined. Then we’ll connect the dots and give some specific examples each working in concert with the DLMS to improve logistics processes and at the end of the Module you’ll see how the DLMS along with IUID and RFID can all work together to provide in the box visibility of a shipment before the box even arrives at its destination.
Module 5 Objectives IUID and its relationship to the DLMS RFID and its relationship to the DLMS DLMS Transactions supporting IUID and RFID Data integration of Supply and Transportation Information Establishing parent/child relationships using DLMS transactions This Module covers these topics: IUID and its relationship to the DLMS RFID and its relationship to the DLMS DLMS Transactions supporting IUID and RFID Data integration of Supply and Transportation information Establishing parent/child relationships using DLMS transactions
Unique Item Identification (IUID), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), & DLMS The following slides will discuss each of the following technologies in relationship to the DLMS. Unique Item Identification abbreviated as (IUID) Radio Frequency Identification abbreviated as (RFID)
IUID, RFID, & DLMS Relationship The IUID is a data set that identifies an instance of an item uniquely from all others even if it is identical to others in all other physical and functional aspects RFID is an automatic identification method, consisting of a chip and antenna, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. The DLMS X12 EDI and DLMS XML provide the capability to integrate the RFID tag contents with the business data and processes in the supply chain Item Unique Identification, usually just called IUID, is a data set that uniquely identifies an instance of an item from all other instances of that same item. We’re all familiar with the vehicle identification number or VIN that is marked on every car. The VIN is the format of the unique item identifier used for vehicles. The VIN differentiates a particular car from all others, even those that are identical in every other physical respect, such as color and vehicle options. The Department of Defense item unique identification program is about uniquely marking certain types of items with 2D data matrix marks that can be scanned and read to identify and track a specific item instance. Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID as it is commonly called, is a technology that is also used to mark things. The technology is composed of tags that contain information and interrogators that read the information on the tag and then pass it on to a business application. It's a way of tagging things and then reading the tags in a hands-off environment. So we’ve talked about IUID 2D data matrix marks that contain information about a particular instance of an item and RFID tags that also contain information about the items that they are affixed to. So, how are these two technologies related to the DLMS transactions. Later in this Module we’ll cover several examples where DLMS transactions are used to transmit IUID and RFID information that is on the physical items and shipment in advance to the physical movement. You’ll see how the DLMS advanced information can be matched to the RFID and 2D data matrix IUID reads when the items arrive to bring greater efficiencies to the receiving process. You’ll also see how the three technologies working together can provide enhanced supply pipeline visibility and even knowledge of what’s in a particular box before it arrives at destination and is opened. IUID, RFID, and DLMS complement each other in providing business event intelligence across the supply chain
IUID-RFID Policy Relationship (Example) Where required: Passive RFID tags applied at the case, pallet and package layers Where required: IUID attached or directly marked on items using a data matrix to carry the IUID data elements RFID Tag (Pallet Layer) RFID Tag (Case Layer) RFID Tag (Item Package Layer) IUID Data Matrix (Item Layer) The DOD has established guidance to delineate when to use IUID markings versus RFID tags. The details of this guidance can be found in the DOD Automatic Information Technology Concept of Operations located at the URL indicated in the lower left corner of this slide. This graphic provides a basic overview of the DOD guidance regarding use of IUID and RFID when supporting the shipment of materiel. As you can see the 2D data matrix is applied at the item level and the RFID tags are used at all the levels of packing above the individual item level, such as the item package layer, cartons, boxes, cases, and pallets. While RFID tags can be applied at the item level, under DOD guidance they generally are not. DOD AIT CONOPS:
Unique Identification (IUID) of Tangible Items The following two slides discuss the vision that DOD wants to achieve by implementing IUID in its business processes and the current status of the DOD policies related to IUID.
DOD Vision for IUID Establish a strategic imperative for uniquely identifying tangible items relying to the maximum extent practical on international standards and commercial item markings, while not imposing unique government data requirements. Unique identification of tangible items will improve: Item visibility and tracking across the DOD enterprise Product life-cycle item management Financial Accountability and valuation of assets Clean Audit Opinions on Property, Plant Equipment, and Operating Materiels and Supplies Data quality and interoperability Establish a strategic imperative for uniquely identifying tangible items relying to the maximum extent practical on international standards and commercial item markings, while not imposing unique government data requirements. Unique identification of tangible items will improve: Item visibility and tracking across the DOD enterprise Product life-cycle item management Financial Accountability and valuation of assets Clean Audit Opinions on Property, Plant Equipment, and Operating Materiels and Supplies Data quality and interoperability
IUID Policy Overview DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8320.04, "Item Unique Identification Standards for Tangible Personal Property” DoDI 8320.04 states that items with a unique item-level traceability requirement at any time in their life cycle shall be marked and managed by UII to include as a minimum: (1) Major end items, (2) Depot level reparables, (3) Nuclear weapons-related materiel, (4) Small arms and light weapons, (5) Items with a classified, sensitive, or pilferable controlled inventory item code, (6) Critical safety items, (7) Items currently serially managed or warrantied, including items in unique item tracking programs, (8) Items that require periodic test, calibration, or safety inspection, (9) Items that require technical directive tracking, (10) Items requiring intensive visibility and management, and (11) Other items, as determined by the requiring activity. Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(A&S), the ASD(S) develops IUID supply chain policy and coordinates functional business rules and approves requirements for the DOD IUID Registry jointly with the Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting Under the authority, direction, and control of the ASD(S), the Director, DLA will coordinate and publish procedures and transaction exchange formats to incorporate the UII in logistics business processes under the Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) in accordance with DLM 4000.25. Policy continues to evolve! The latest policies and information on IUID can be found at: DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8320.04, "Item Unique Identification Standards for Tangible Personal Property," was initially issued June 16, 2008 and was significantly updated and reissued on September 3, 2015 DoDI 8320.04 states that items with a unique item-level traceability requirement at any time in their life cycle shall be marked and managed by UII to include as a minimum: (1) Major end items, (2) Depot level reparables, (3) Nuclear weapons-related materiel, (4) Small arms and light weapons, (5) Items with a classified, sensitive, or pilferable controlled inventory item code, (6) Critical safety items, (7) Items currently serially managed or warrantied, including items in unique item tracking programs, (8) Items that require periodic test, calibration, or safety inspection, (9) Items that require technical directive tracking, (10) Items requiring intensive visibility and management, and (11) Other items, as determined by the requiring activity. Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(A&S), the ASD(S) develops IUID supply chain policy and coordinates functional business rules and approves requirements for the DOD IUID Registry jointly with the Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting. Under the authority, direction, and control of the ASD(S), the Director, DLA will coordinate and publish procedures and transaction exchange formats to incorporate the UII in logistics business processes under the Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) in accordance with DLM 4000.25.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Next, we’re going to take a closer look at the RFID technology and some specific examples on how when integrated with the DLMS can improve business processes and supply chain visibility.
Types of RFID Used in DOD Active RFID - Longer range Continuously powered tag; internal power source Low-level RF signal received by the tag High-level RF signal back to the reader/interrogator Usually used for longer tag read distances Can store 128KB of data, to include tag number Passive RFID – Shorter range No internal power source; collects energy from reader Needs powerful RF signal from reader Low RF strength signal returned from tag Preferred for uses when tag and interrogator are close Stores small amount of data (e.g., tag number) The Active RFID - Longer range Continuously powered tag; internal power source Low-level RF signal received by the tag High-level RF signal back to the reader/interrogator Usually used for longer tag read distances Can store 128KB of data, to include tag number Passive RFID – Shorter range No internal power source; collects energy from reader Needs powerful RF signal from reader Low RF strength signal returned from tag Preferred for uses when tag and interrogator are close Stores small amount of data (e.g., tag number) There are two primary types of radio frequency identification that are used in DOD; one is active RFID and the other is passive RFID. Here you can see the characteristic differences between these two types of RFID. They physically will look very different. The Active RFID is much larger and heavier; it often looks like a big brick. And why is it so big? Because it has its own battery power source contained within it. Passive RFID is a little thin strip. And it does not have an internal power source. The power source for passive RFID is derived from the reader, either a hand-held or portal that uses its power to wake up the tag and read the information on the tag. You can see some of the other differences like data storage capability, long range versus short range distance reads. Passive RFID is what is used in the logistics supply side of the house. Active RFID is primarily used on the transportation side of the house. Transporters are applying Active RFID tags to large conveyances like trucks, railcars, SEAVAN containers, and 463L air pallets since they generally need to be read while the tag is moving rapidly and at greater distances. Passive RFID tags tend to be used on boxes, cartons, pallets and sometimes the item packaging and must be read at close in distances.
pRFID - Optimize the Supply Chain DOD is an early adopter of passive pRFID technology Implement passive RFID Business Rules - 1 Jan 05 Passive tagging of materiel shipped to DOD Initial DOD capability to read passive RFID tags and use data Published DFARS Rule requiring application of passive RFID Integrated passive RFID data into the DOD Business Enterprise Architecture (e.g., DLMS) USTRANSCOM is the DOD functional proponent for AIT The latest policy and information on DOD’s RFID implementation can be found at: Since active RFID is used in the transportation portion of the supply chain and is outside the purview of the Enterprise Business Standards Office (EBSO), we are going to focus our attention on passive RFID which has applications in selected supply business processes, such as shipping and receiving. By coupling the use of passive RFID technology with shipment status information provided in DLMS transactions, we can help optimize the supply chain processing and provide intransit visibility. One of the key things we can achieve in our process execution is hands-off data capture, by prepositioning information about the shipment in our logistics systems. By reading the tags, we are able to speed data capture, improve data accuracy by eliminating human errors, improve interoperability with industry and most importantly, improve logistics response time. Please note the links on the slide, these take you to the web site that provides additional information on the USTRANSCOM managed Automated Information Technology. Hands-Off Data Capture Improve Data Accuracy Improve Logistics Processing Time Improve Manpower Utilization Enhance Interoperability with Industry
Nodal Asset Visibility Supply Shipment Status 856A Transportation Due-In Here is an architectural model demonstrating to you the power and agility of DLMS transactions and how they can be integrated across multiple functional domains to make them seamless. Implicit throughout this and the next slide is the fact that all transactions flow through the DAAS logistics Hub. That is, each line indicating a transaction flow, while not shown, DAAS is in the middle of each flow line depiction. The goal of the slide is to show how the EDI business transactions are used to provide pipeline visibility tracking so a customer can answer the question “where’s my stuff?’ The Integrated Data Environment and Global Transportation Network Convergence, or IGC for short, is the tool that supports this tracking. The IGC is a data warehouse of raw and fused transaction data and user query applications that provide the ability to track materiel as it moves through the global supply chain pipeline. The tracking can be done using a variety of reference numbers such as the requisition document number and transportation control number, among others. IGC has an interface with DAAS to get copies of many different kinds of transactions that provide requisition and transportation event visibility. Now we’ll work through the transaction flows one at a time. This diagram also demonstrates how due-in information to each node of the pipeline can help improve the processing at the node by prepositioning information about the inbound shipments in the logistics system operating at the node. First, when the transportation portion of the distribution center releases the shipment to the pipeline, the distribution center (supply side) sends a DLMS 856S Shipment Status transaction. At a minimum it goes to the ship-to customer, also known as the consignee in transportation terminology. The 856S is notifying the customer that the materiel has been shipped by transportation. A copy of 856S also goes to IGC to provide notice of shipment of a particular order. One of the key capabilities in the shipment status transaction is the linkage between the MILSTRIP requisition number from the requisition to the Transportation Control Number, TCN for short. As you may already know, the supply domain uses the MILSTRIP requisition number to track the status of the order through the supply business processes, while transportation uses the transportation control number to track the shipment while in transit in the transportation pipeline. When the transportation officer at the distribution node ships the materiel, they send a DTEB 856A Due-in Notice to the next node of transportation (e.g., Consolidation and Containerization Point (CCP) or port of embarkation). A copy of the 856A goes to IGC, along with a 315N Transportation Status transaction. The 315N is a very small transaction designed to provide information that the government confirms a change in status for the shipment (e.g., shipped, received, delayed due to customs, delayed to air clearance processing, etc.). The 856A is a hierarchical looping transaction that basically shows the relationship of the item being requisitioned to its shipment unit TCN to any overpack TCNs to any Seavan/463L air pallet TCNs; this becomes important for shipments coming in/out of CCPs, ports, and Theater Consolidation and Shipping Points (TCSPs). The node receiving the 856A Due-in uses the transaction to facilitate transportation receipt of the shipment and preparation for onward movement to the next node. If the activity is equipped with active and/or passive RFID readers/portals, then the tags can be read and quickly matched up to the due-in notice, minimizing manual data entry into the node’s logistics system to enable onward processing. The node will also send a 315N to IGC upon receipt of the shipment and for any delays in processing and upon lift. Supply Transp Supply Transp Transp Supply Distribution Node Transportation Nodes Distribution Node 315N Transportation Status IGC 856S Supply Shipment Status
Nodal Asset Visibility Supply Shipment Status 856A Transportation Due-In 856A Transportation Due-In 856A Transportation Due-In This combination of 856A due-in and 315N Transportation Status continues through all the transportation nodes until reaching the final node prior to delivery to the customer (ship-to/consignee) the results of which are shown here. At the last distribution node, after receiving the shipment and matching up against the due-in and acknowledging receipt of the shipment via 315N, the receiving transportation officer will deliver the shipment to the customer (e.g., customer picks up at receiving or transportation does a local delivery to the customer). When the customer gets the materiel, they are required to report receipt into their accountable property system. If the accountable system is different from the source of supply for the materiel, a DLMS 527R Materiel Receipt Acknowledgement should also be spun off to the SOS so they can close out the requisition in their books. A copy of the 527R Materiel Release Acknowledgement will also go to IGC to close out the order. Of note: The 527R Receipt may or may not be physically exited from the system performing the receipt action, depending on where the receipt is being reported to. Many times the Receipt is done internally within a system, because the system reporting receipt is the same as the system that served as the source of supply. In this situation, there is no requirement to exit the transaction. EBSO is working with OSD to consider a revision to policy that in these situations a receipt image (or copy) of the transaction be spun off to DAAS, so it can be made available for intransit visibility reporting in IGC to close the shipment and for logistics response time measurements in the Logistics Metric Analysis Reporting System (LMARS). The following notes should be kept in mind: NOTE 1: The DTEB 856A and 315N ICs are developed and maintained by USTRANSCOM's DTEB committee. However, full implementation of these two ICs has not occurred within the full transportation community. A limited implementation was done for reportable shipments, also known as REPSHIPs, using these transactions, but not for the broader use as described herein. Here is the link to the DTEB 856A and 315N ICs: NOTE 2: Use of the 315N is intended to be complementary to the DTEB 214A, which is used by commercial defense transportation system carriers to provide transportation status (e.g., lift, delivery, delay) for shipments in their custody. While the 214A has the commercial carrier providing status, the 315N is the government acknowledgement of the shipment status. Finally, notwithstanding the two implementation limitations just mentioned, you can easily see that when fully implemented just how powerful these transactions are at fusing information from the supply and transportation domains into a single visibility picture. Supply Transp Supply Transp Transp Supply Distribution Node Transportation Nodes Distribution Node 315N Transportation Status 315N Transportation Status IGC 856S Supply Shipment Status 527R Material Receipt Acknowledgement
pRFID & DLMS (Enhanced Receiving) DAAS DDJC Tagged Material Transactions with pRFID 856S: 2F02032533139342DFDC1C35 is associated to requisition V0336552740001 856S Camp Pendleton RFID Middleware Logistics AIS This is an example of how the receiving process can be improved by integrating passive RFID tagging technology and the DLMS transaction for shipment status via the 856S. In this scenario, we have a DLA distribution center called DDJC located at San Joaquin, California on the left that is going to ship materiel to Camp Pendleton, bottom right where the shipment will be received. The pallet of materiel and all the boxes sitting on the pallet being shipped all have passive RFID tags attached to them as denoted by the little red rectangles. The passive RFID tags can be used by Camp Pendleton to perform hands-free receipt take-up as follows. When the San Joaquin distribution center tags the shipment pallet and boxes it will send out a DLMS shipment status 856S identifying the passive RFID tag numbers in that transaction. The 856S will go to DAAS. The 856S transaction, among other things, identifies the requisition number and the passive RFID tag number(s) associated with it. For every requisition number that's shipped, there is a separate 856S, so for each requisition number the associated RFID tag number(s) will accompany it in the transaction. When the 856S arrives at DAAS, the information relating the requisition number and RFID tag number is stored into a table. The information in this table is also made available to IGC; remember that’s an intransit visibility tracking system. Then DAAS sends the 856S to the customer system. Let's for example say the logistics AIS at Camp Pendleton is a Legacy system that can’t read the DLMS 856S transaction so it can’t make use of the RFID tag information directly, that short coming can be overcome with the use of middleware placed in front of the legacy Camp Pendleton AIS as follows. DAAS sends the 856S to the customer system’s middleware and a legacy shipment status transaction to the legacy AIS. The middleware receives the 856S, pre-lodges it with the requisition number and the passive RFID tag number. When that shipment arrives, they scan the shipment by reading all the passive RFID tag numbers. The tag reads are used to match up with the appropriate 856S's that were pre-lodged in the middleware. From there, the middleware identifies the associated requisition numbers and sends a trigger to the legacy AIS to execute the receipt for that particular requisition. So, in this scenario, while the logistics AIS is legacy, through the use of middleware, it can still leverage the benefits of implementing passive RFID and DLMS in its receiving processes. If the receiving system is a DLMS capable system, then no middleware is needed to streamline the process using DLMS and RFID tags. The DLMS system just executes what the middleware would have done had it been present. In any event you can see where the receiving system is DLMS capable or not the coupling of DLMS transaction and passive RFID tag technology provides opportunities to improve the accuracy and speed of the receiving process. RFID and relevant business information prelodged to the receiving facility. Use to automatically trigger receipt processes upon material arrival.
pRFID & In-Transit Visibility RFID Middleware SYSTEMS LOGISTICS TELECOMM XML Visibility Data Elements: RFID Tag # = 2F02032533139342DFDC1C35 Time Stamp = 7/4/2010 0900 Location = CCP Business Step = Shipped Narrator: This is an example of using passive RFID to provide in-transit visibility. This example shows how the DLMS and RFID tagging can be used to provide pipeline visibility. We begin with the DLA Distribution Center DDJC, located at San Joaquin, California. Materiel is shipped from this point to a customer. But in this case, we’re in the Consolidation and Containerization Point (CCP) section of the distribution center which is responsible for building SEAVANs and 463L master pallets. In the picture representing DDJC, you see a 436L air pallet moving through a stationary passive RFID interrogator portal that's connected to some supporting middleware. If that shipment has tags on it, and it is run through the portal, the portal reads all the tags, sends the tag numbers to the middleware, and the middleware is programed to create an XML visibility transaction for each tag read. There is no legacy or DLMS X12 EDI equivalent in this case. This is a special XML transaction. It only contains the tag number that was read, the date and time stamp of the read, the registration number of the interrogator portal and an event code. It essentially says, I just read these tag numbers, here's the date/time stamp of that read, and here’s where it was read. In other words, the portal and the middleware program identify and generate an XML visibility transaction for each tag that was read at the DDJC CCP shipping portal confirming the tags departure. By reading those tags, creating and transmitting the XML visibility transactions to DAAS, we know that those tags shipped at that date and time from the CCP in San Joaquin. DAAS gets all these XML visibility transactions, stores them in a table and makes them available to the IGC and any other requesting in-transit visibility (ITV) system. This was an example of passive RFID used to improve ITV. MM Note: Need a screen build here and use highlighting to match to text. DAAS DLMS: Please try to streamline this graphic and the text. Same issue as before. DCY Comment: I see very little that can be cut, but adding steps to the picture might help and then the narrative could be adjusted to correlate to the steps. DDJC - CCP XML Visibility Transactions with RFID Report RFID Tag read event data to DAAS User can query WEBVLIPS or IGC to ascertain last known location of RFID tagged material.
IUID, pRFID & DLMS Operating In Concert Can Significantly Enhance DOD Supply Chain Processes Establish initial acquisition cost and subsequent valuations Identify a particular item requiring maintenance Identify particular problem items to be singled out for removal or upgrade Ensure that exact items are returned to the customer Locate items for expedited processing Maintain a record of items where DOD ownership has ended Track a particular item through the entire Supply Chain The previous series of examples demonstrated some practical applications, using the DLMS in concert with some new technology, such as IUID and RFID. “Here is just a listing of some of the tangible benefits that are available to the global supply chain when you integrate the DLMS and the IUID and RFID technical capabilities into everyday business processes. Establish initial acquisition cost and subsequent valuations Identify a particular item requiring maintenance Identify particular problem items to be singled out for removal or upgrade Ensure that exact items are returned to the customer Locate items for expedited processing Maintain a record of items where DOD ownership has ended Track a particular item through the entire Supply Chains
DLMS Transactions Supporting IUID DLMS IMPLEMENTATION CONVENTION 140A Small Arms Reporting 180M Material Returns Reporting 511M Requisition Modification 511R Requisition 527D Due-in, Advance Receipt, Due Verification 527R Receipt Material Receipt Acknowledgement 842A/W Supply Discrepancy Report Submission 842S/Q Storage Quality Control Report 842S/R Storage Quality Control Report Reply 842P Product Quality Deficiency Report 846R Location Reconciliation Request 856 Advance Ship Notice 856R Shipment Status Materiel Return 856S Shipment Status 861 Acceptance Report 867I Issue 870M Material Returns Supply Status 870S Supply Status 940R Material Release 945A Material Release Advice 947I Inventory Adjustment NOTE: Logistics IUID business requirements are under development through a series of IUID Workshops; business rules for implementation will be documented, staffed, and finalized through the DLMS configuration management process. Some transactions on this list may be removed if there is no business requirement. The latest version of this chart is maintained on the EBSO web site and can be accessed via the reference library in this DLMS training eLearning tool. It identifies what DLMS transactions have IUID built into them. A word of caution, just because the IUID data element may be in a particular transaction, doesn’t mean its authorized implementation. Remember, in Module 4 we stressed the importance of reading the DLMS Notes in the DLMS Implementation Conventions, those DLMS Notes will tell you if the IUID data element is ready for use in that particular transaction set. On this chart you can see the status of those transactions that can carry IUID. To the right of the transaction is the current status; if it says authorized for implementation, you’ll also see the approved DLMS change (ADC) allowing you to go ahead and implement. If you don't see anything under current status for that transaction; it means that while the IUID data element is in the transaction, it's not authorized for use yet. As mentioned previously in this module the IUID policy is still evolving. Current list of transactions available under
DLMS Supporting Passive RFID 856 Advance Shipping Notice 856R Shipment Status Material Returns 856S Shipment Status XML Reader Registration XML Visibility Response XML Visibility These are the DLMS transactions that support passive RFID. We already talked about the 856S shipping status in one of the earlier process enabler illustrations. The RFID tag number is also available in the 856R used to support the materiel returns process. Also the Invoice, Receipt & Accountable Property Transfer (iRAPT) application of the wide area workflow (WAWF) business suite also carries the IUID in the 856 advanced shipping notices (ASN). We’re going to take a close look at the 856 ASN in the final slides of this module. We also have three XML transactions, with no DLMS EDI or legacy MILS equivalent transaction formats. The reader registration transaction is exactly what it says. Remember the RFID interrogation portals from the earlier process integration examples. Each of those portals is registered at DAAS. Each portal gets an identifier assigned to it. That registration carries a lot of information, such as exactly where the portal is located, the physical geographic location and function such as receiving, as well as point of contact information for that portal. When DAAS assigns an ID to the portal that ID is then used in the XML visibility we discussed on the enhanced visibility slide. Use of this ID keeps the XML visibility transaction very small, as it doesn’t have to carry all the portal information. The visibility response transaction is only used when a shipment arrives at a receiving location but an 856S with matching RFID tag number isn’t pre-lodged in the receiving system. In those instance, the receiving system can request that DAAS provide any available shipment status information. DAAS will send back an XML Visibility Response transaction with that information. The visibility transaction is as we discussed in the previous examples. It provides a date/time stamp of an RFID read, along with where the read occurred and the business event associated with that read, such as arrived.
Example of Providing In The Box Visibility via 856 ASN Provide receiving activity with in the box visibility of an incoming shipment at the time of shipment. Computer system supporting the packing/shipping function builds out the 856 ASN. As the packer scans items and the Box & Pallet RFID Tags the system builds the Loops. The system receiving the 856 ASN decomposes the hierarchical structure to convey in the box information for use upon physical receipt. The following series of slides provide an example of the flexibility of the DLMS by demonstrating how a receiving activity can be provided with in the box visibility of an incoming shipment at the time of the shipment. While it looks complex, the computer system supporting the packing/shipping function is programed to build out the 856 ASN. As the packer scans items 2D data matrix marks, and the boxes and pallet RFID Tags the system builds the hierarchical level loops that we learned about in Module 2. The system receiving the 856 ASN is programed to decompose the hierarchical structure to convey in the box information for use upon physical receipt.
Illustrative Example of IUID and pRFID Transmissions via 856 ASN The 856 ASN uses a hierarchical structure to convey information and establish relationships: Between the shipment/contract and the individual line items which compose the shipment Between the CLIN and the uniquely identified items associated with the CLIN Between the tagged containers (case or pallet) and the number of items and the UIIs of uniquely identified items they contain Between tagged containers (cases on a pallet) On the following slides we’re going to pull together what you learned in modules 2 and 4 about looping and demonstrate the power of looping to provide in-the-box visibility using DLMS transactions and the IUID and passive RFID information within them. The 856 ASN uses a hierarchical structure to convey information and establish relationships: Between the shipment/contract and the individual line items which compose the shipment Between the Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) and the uniquely identified item unique item identifiers associated with the CLIN Between the tagged containers (case or pallet) and the number of items and the UIIs of uniquely identified items they contain Between tagged containers (cases on a pallet)
IUID and RFID in 856 ASN The HL loops are defined as Shipment (DD 250 level) (HL03=S) Address (HL03=V), Line Item (HL03=I), IUID (HL03=D), embedded UII (HL03=E), and pRFID (HL03=P) The IUID loop includes: The SLN segment with IUID pedigree information: acquisition cost, unique item identifier (UII) type, enterprise identifier and original part number, when applicable A separate REF with the UII and serial number for each item with the same pedigree in the SLN pRFID loop includes: The REF with the RFID tag value and a separate REF for each UII, when applicable -- it tells you which items are in which container The Destination Quantity (SDQ) with the CLIN and the Quantity of that line item packed under the RFID to which the SDQ is associated -- it tells you how many of which CLIN are identified to which RFID tag This slide is a precursor to define the different types of HL loops and the information that each will describe. Each type loop will have different attributes. One of them will convey shipment level information, which will have an S in it. Another loop conveys address information, which will have an identifying V in the HL loop. The line item loop will have an I, and so on as below. The types of HL loops we’re going to use are defined as follows: HL03=S is defined as Shipment (DD 250 level) loop HL03=V provides addressing information, HL03=I provides Line Item information, HL03=D identifies the item as an IUID item, HL03=E provides the embedded UIIs of the IUID marked items, and HL03=P provides packaging pRFID information. The IUID loop includes: The SLN segment with IUID pedigree information: acquisition cost, unique item identifier (UII) type, enterprise identifier and original part number, when applicable. A separate REF with the UII and serial number for each item with the same pedigree in the SLN. pRFID loop includes: The REF with the RFID tag value and a separate REF for each UII, when applicable -- it tells you which items are in which container. The Destination Quantity (SDQ) with the CLIN and the Quantity of that line item packed under the RFID to which the SDQ is associated -- it tells you how many of which CLIN are identified to which RFID tag.
Multiple CLINs in Multiple Cases with Multiple CLINs per Case and Multiple Cases per CLIN on a Pallet RFID #1 RFID #3 RFID #2 RFID #4 RFID #5 One Shipment Sitting on an RFID Tagged Pallet Containing Four different Items with the notional FSNs: ABC quantity of 4 DEF quantity of 4 GHI quantity of 2 JKL quantity of 2 Each of the 12 items has a UII The Items are Packed in Four Boxes each with an RFID Tag Question: In advance of the Physical Receipt or upon Receipt Without Opening the Boxes, How Can We Determine: Which UIIs are on which item & Which items are in which Box? This slide is a graphic representation of the shipment contents and packing that we’re going to use the 856 to describe its contents in detail. You can see that there is one shipment pallet containing four boxes that collectively contain four different items. For ease of illustration the items are identified as ABC, DEF, GHI, and JKL rather than their national stock numbers. Collectively there is a quantity of 12 individual items and each is uniquely identified with a UII 2D data matrix mark. Each individual box and the pallet have RFID tags attached to them. So the trick is to use the information in the 856 to identify the exact items, quantities, and UIIs that are in each box on the pallet.
Multiple CLINs in Multiple Cases with Multiple CLINs per Case and Multiple Cases per CLIN on a Pallet ST*856*0001^ BSN*00*DIS0001*20040720*1130*0001*AS^ HL*1**V*1^ HL*2*1*S*1^ HL*3*2*I*1^ LIN*0001*VP*ABC^ SN1**4*EA^ HL*4*3*D*0^ SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII1)^ REF*U3*(UII2)^ REF*U3*(UII3)^ REF*U3*(UII4)^ HL*5*2*I*1^ LIN*0002*VP*DEF^ HL*6*5*D*0 SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII5)^ REF*U3*(UII6)^ REF*U3*(UII7)^ REF*U3*(UII8)^ HL*7*2*I*1^ LIN*0003*VP*GHI^ SN1**2*EA^ HL*8*7*D*0^ SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII9)^ REF*U3*(UII10)^ HL*9*2*I*1^ LIN*0004*VP*JKL^ HL*10*9*D*0^ SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII11)^ REF*U3*(UII12)^ RFID #1 RFID #3 RFID #2 RFID #4 RFID #5 At This Point: We Know the Items & The UIIs Of the Items That Are Being Shipped. But We Don’t Know Which Ones Are In Which Boxes. OK so let’s get started finding out what’s in the shipment and in each of the boxes. The information you’re looking at is not the full 856 transaction. We’re just looking at an extract of the transaction containing the relevant portions to demonstrate in-the-box visibility. This 856 transaction is documenting a new procurement of items that the vendor is shipping to DOD. So let's start at the third line of the extract with the first HL loop. First you see the HL data segment, which contains HL*1**V*1^. The “1” in the HL01 position indicates this is the first loop in the hierarchical structure, it has no parent as evidenced by no information passed in the HL02 position, just two adjacent delimiters. This HL #1 loop is the parent to all the loops that follow it. The “V” in the fourth position means addressing information. So this HL #1 loop tells us that it contains addressing information. Recall from Module 2 that this “V” loop will contain addressing segments providing the ship-to address. For demonstration purposes, we’re not showing those addressing segments here. Moving down to the next HL loop, we see HL*2*1*S*1^. The second position contains a “2” indicating it is the second loop in the hierarchy and the third position tells us that this loop’s parent is loop “1,” the address loop. You also see an “S” in the fourth position, which stands for shipment information. So this second HL shipment information loop is telling us that there is shipment information regarding the shipment going to the address in the HL #1 loop. Let's go to the third HL loop which is HL*3*2*I*1^. The “3” in the second position tells us that it’s the third loop in the hierarchy; the “2” in the third position indicates that the third HL loop’s parent is “2”, the shipment. And the “I” in the fourth position indicates that this loop will describe line item information. So this third HL loop is describing an item that is in the shipment that was described under the second loop. So what are those items? The first segment in the third HL loop is the “LIN” segment, which is the item description and looks like LIN*0001*VP*ABC^. It says the first item is identified as ABC. The next segment in the third HL loop is the SN1 which reads SN1**4*EA^. This segment tells us that there is a quantity of 4 each of item ABC. Moving down to the fourth HL loop which reads HL*4*3*D*0^ we see from the second position that it is the fourth loop and that its parent is loop 3 which means it will have information about item ABC, and lastly the “D” in the fourth position indicates that this loop contains the UIIs that are on each of the four ABC items. The fourth HL loop contains two types of segments, the SLN which reads SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ and tells us a lot of additional information about item ABC but is not fully described or treated for purposes of this in the box visibility example. What is of interest is the “D”, which means there is embedded UII information. The fourth HL loop also contains REF segments, which is where the embedded UII information for item ABC is contained. There is one REF segment for each instance of the quantity of four and each identifying the UII of that item instance. If you look at these REF segments, the U3 means that the UIIs are being passed. The first REF segment reads REF*U3*(UII1) ^ which tell us that one of the items has a 2D matrix that carries a UII of “UII1”. The remaining REF segments identify the remaining UIIs as “UII2”, “UII3” and “UII4”. All four of the REF segments associate UIIs with the quantity of four ABC items in the shipment. HL loops 5 through 10 repeat the process described by loops 3 and 4 for each of the remaining items. Item DEF and its UIIs are described by loops 5 and 6, item GHI and its UIIs are described by loops 7 and 8 and item JKL and its UIIs are described by loops 9 and 10. At this point, completing the information in loop HL10 we know the identity of items, the quantities of each and the UIIs of each that are being shipped. But we don’t know which items, the quantities or the UIIs that are packed in each box. The looping structure continues on the next side where the item in each box description relationship is described.
Multiple CLINs in Multiple Cases with Multiple CLINs per Case and Multiple Cases per CLIN on a Pallet HL*12*11*P*0^ REF*JH*(RFID#1)^ REF*U3**(UII1)^ REF*U3**(UII2)^ REF*U3**(UII3)^ REF*U3**(UII9)^ SDQ*ZZ**0001*3*0003*1^ RFID #1 RFID #3 RFID #2 RFID #4 RFID #5 HL*11*2*P*1^ REF*JH*(RFID#5)^ ST*856*0001^ BSN*00*DIS0001*20040720*1130*0001*AS^ HL*1**V*1^ HL*2*1*S*1^ HL*3*2*I*1^ LIN*0001*VP*ABC^ SN1**4*EA^ HL*4*3*D*0^ SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII1)^ REF*U3*(UII2)^ REF*U3*(UII3)^ REF*U3*(UII4)^ HL*5*2*I*1^ LIN*0002*VP*DEF^ HL*6*5*D*0 SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII5)^ REF*U3*(UII6)^ REF*U3*(UII7)^ REF*U3*(UII8)^ HL*7*2*I*1^ LIN*0003*VP*GHI^ SN1**2*EA^ HL*8*7*D*0^ SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII9)^ REF*U3*(UII10)^ HL*9*2*I*1^ LIN*0004*VP*JKL^ HL*10*9*D*0^ SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII11)^ REF*U3*(UII12)^ So we’ll continue on this slide and see how the relationships of what’s in the boxes are established by the remaining HL loops. Let’s first look at the eleventh HL loop which reads HL*11*2*P*1^. Note that the second position says this loop’s parent is loop “2” so this loop is the child of the shipment in the second HL loop meaning that this loop is describing something about the shipment. The “P” in the third position means that this loop is describing packing information. The loop contains a REF segment which reads REF*JH*(RFID#5)^. The “JH” means that there is a RFID tag and the last position of the segment tells us that the RFID tag number is “RFID#5”. So looking at the picture and loop 11 we learn that a pallet with RFID tag number 5 represents the overall shipment identified in the second HL loop. Now what's on the pallet? Let's go to loop 12. Its parent is 11, which is the pallet. So the twelfth HL loop is describing a box on this pallet associated with an RFID tag number. We know this by reading the twelfth HL loop as follows HL*12*11*P*0^. This HL loop is telling us that this box is on pallet 5 since loop 11 is its parent, and again the P tells us we’re describing packing information in loop #12. The twelfth HL loop contains 5 REF segments, the first reads REF*JH*(RFID#1)^. The JH tell us the box has an RFID tag on it and that the tag number is “RFID#1”. The remaining four REF segments, the first of which reads REF*U3**(UII1)^ tells us that “UII1 is packed in this box. Collectively the REF segments tell us that “UII1”, “UII2”, “UII3” and “UII9” were packed in the box that has RFID tag “RFID#1” attached to it. Remember in the HL loops 3 through ten we established relationships of the items ABC, DEF, GHI, and JKL to the UIIs that were marked on them. Therefore we know that the box marked with “RFID#1” contains 3 ABC items marked as “UII1”, “UII2”, and “UII3” and one GHI item marked as “UII9”. Now we know that the box 1 with “RFID#1” is on the pallet with “RIFD#5”. We also know that box 1 contains a quantity of 3 of item ABC and the UIIs on each. And we know that box 1 contains one GHI Item with a UII of 9. Now We know that the Box 1 with RFID Tag #1 is on the Pallet quantity of 3 of item ABC and the UIIs on each. And We Know with RIFD Tag #5. We also know that Box 1 contains a That Box 1 also contains one GHI Item with a UII of 9.
Multiple CLINs in Multiple Cases with Multiple CLINs per Case and Multiple Cases per CLIN on a Pallet HL*12*11*P*0^ REF*JH*(RFID#1)^ REF*U3**(UII1)^ REF*U3**(UII2)^ REF*U3**(UII3)^ REF*U3**(UII9)^ SDQ*ZZ**0001*3*0003*1^ RFID #1 HL*14*11*P*0^ REF*JH*(RFID#3)^ REF*U3**(UII5)^ REF*U3**(UII6)^ REF*U3**(UII7)^ SDQ*ZZ**0002*3 RFID #3 HL*13*11*P*0^ REF*JH*(RFID#2)^ REF*U3**(UII4)^ REF*U3**(UII10)^ SDQ*ZZ**0001*1*0003*1^ RFID #2 HL*15*11*P*0^ REF*JH*(RFID#4)^ REF*U3**(UII8)^ REF*U3**(UII11)^ REF*U3**(UII12)^ SDQ*ZZ** 0002*1*0004*2^ RFID #4 RFID #5 HL*11*2*P*1^ REF*JH*(RFID#5)^ ST*856*0001^ BSN*00*DIS0001*20040720*1130*0001*AS^ HL*1**V*1^ HL*2*1*S*1^ HL*3*2*I*1^ LIN*0001*VP*ABC^ SN1**4*EA^ HL*4*3*D*0^ SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII1)^ REF*U3*(UII2)^ REF*U3*(UII3)^ REF*U3*(UII4)^ HL*5*2*I*1^ LIN*0002*VP*DEF^ HL*6*5*D*0 SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII5)^ REF*U3*(UII6)^ REF*U3*(UII7)^ REF*U3*(UII8)^ HL*7*2*I*1^ LIN*0003*VP*GHI^ SN1**2*EA^ HL*8*7*D*0^ SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII9)^ REF*U3*(UII10)^ HL*9*2*I*1^ LIN*0004*VP*JKL^ HL*10*9*D*0^ SLN*1**O*1* . . . *D^ REF*U3*(UII11)^ REF*U3*(UII12)^ On this final slide in the series you see the completion of the HL looping hierarchy for this shipment. HL loops 13, 14, & 15 repeat the same process as loop 12, describing contents of the remaining 3 boxes. Each of these loops has loop 11 as its parent indicating that each of these three boxes are also sitting on the pallet that has tag number “RFID#5” attached to it. So you are can see how in-the-box visibility is obtained using HL looping you have in-the-box visibility, down to the instance of an item. Not just to the NSN of the item nomenclature, but down to the individual quantities, by UII. This shows you how powerful the DLMS are, especially in combination with IUID and RFID. Lastly, remember that the preceding dealt only with the HL looping and associated data segments within those loops. There will be data segments in ahead of these HL loops, beginning with the ST data segment and data segments that follow the HL loops, ending with the SE segment for this 856 transaction set.
Module 5 Quiz Question 1: Which of the following is a key advantage associated implementing and integrating IUID into supply chain processes? Enhance Total Asset Visibility; Improve Life-Cycle Item Management and Accountability; Improve Data Quality and Interoperability Clean Audit Opinions on Property, Plant & Equipment, Operating Materials and Supplies Both a & b Question 2: What benefits does RFID provide to DOD? Hands-off data capture Improve Data Accuracy Improve Logistics Processing Time All of the above Question 3: To improve material visibility across the supply chain which of the following technologies does DOD need to implement? IUID RFID DLMS All the above
End of Module 5