Taking Action
I just looked over your indicators and am so pleased I just looked over your indicators and am so pleased! What an awesome job your team has done! What I like the best is that the team picked the things that you want to do better on. It doesn't mean you're not doing them but you obviously want to work towards 'mastery.' Love the one about individual PD for teachers based on their individual needs. Please make sure to think about all students, all grade levels, all subjects areas, all teachers when you are creating your plans. I know this is a different way of thinking, but focusing on across the board change has been proven to give better results. As you continue , try to think about: How do our initiatives affect all students? What are some PD goals that we can also apply across the board so that all teachers have the same focus and instruct with strategic engagement efforts? You are all doing a wonderful job as a team. Remember, next steps are to focus on coming up with at least 2 tasks per indicator – that should help you get started. Just make sure your tasks will indeed help you to reach the objective as set forth by the indicator i.e. make sure your tasks are related to the indicator. Call me if you need any assistance with this. Thanks and keep up the tremendous work!
Start with the “Glows” and be as specific as possible Let’s break it apart… Start with the “Glows” and be as specific as possible I just looked over your indicators and am so pleased! What an awesome job your team has done! What I like the best is that the team picked the things that you want to do better on. It doesn't mean you're not doing them but you obviously want to work towards 'mastery.' Love the one about individual PD for teachers based on their individual needs.
Move onto the “Grows” Please make sure to think about all students, all grade levels, all subjects areas, all teachers when you are creating your plans. I know this is a different way of thinking, but focusing on across the board change has been proven to give better results.
Ask questions that will focus the team’s discussions As you continue , try to think about: How do our initiatives affect all students? What are some PD goals that we can apply across the board so that all teachers have the same focus and instruct with strategic engagement efforts?
Leave Next Steps! You are all doing a wonderful job as a team. Remember, next steps are to focus on coming up with at least 2 tasks per indicator – that should help you get started. Just make sure your tasks will indeed help you to reach the objective as set forth by the indicator i.e. make sure your tasks are related to the indicator. Call me if you need any assistance with this. Thanks and keep up the tremendous work!
“The test of a good coach is that when they leave, others will carry on successfully.” Author Unknown