Eindhoven University of Technology Alexandra Cristea Assistant professor Eindhoven University of Technology a.i.cristea@tue.nl http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~alex/ 10-14 February 04 UNESCO workshop
10-14 February 04 UNESCO workshop
ADAPT project Minerva (Socrates) project: ADAPT project reference number: 101144-CP-1-2002-NL-MINERVA-MPP* Duration of project (in months): 24 Number of partners: 6 Partner countries involved: The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy Sub-title: “Adaptivity and adaptability in ODL based on ICT” Project site: http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~alex/HTML/Minerva/index.html 10-14 February 04 UNESCO workshop
ADAPT goal to establish a European platform of standards (guidelines, techniques and tools) for user modeling -based adaptability and adaptation, in the sense of the new paradigm of intelligent human -computer interaction, based on the new generation of ODL tools, towards individualization of the learning process. aims at virtual campuses, e-learning, students tutoring and services, with special focus on adaptation to the learner's needs. 10-14 February 04 UNESCO workshop
IFETS Discussion: http://ifets.ieee.org/ 4000 people subscribed to IFETS discussion list: regular discussions on topics related to educational technology 14 - 25 July 2003 Alexandra Cristea moderated a discussion on: adaptive (and adaptable) hypermedia applied in education, at the moment, from an authoring point of view. 10-14 February 04 UNESCO workshop
questionnaire 10-14 February 04 UNESCO workshop