English 1-2 - January 27th Agenda Quote Response SAP Organizer Writing Time “To Kill a Mockingbird” directed by Robert Mulligan Debrief TPS You Will Need: 1 piece of paper Writing Implement To Kill a Mockingbird
Quote SAP Speaker: Who said the quote ORIGINALLY. Audience: Who does the speaker WANT to be heard by? Paraphrase: What does the speaker mean, in your own words.
Quote Writing Response “He likened Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children, and Maycomb thought he was trying to write an editorial poetical enough to be reprinted [...]” (323). Why is the quote important to understanding EITHER the novel To Kill a Mockingbird Real-world people/human nature
Think-Pair-Share Think SILENTLY about the question below. When I say go, turn to someone near you and share. Volunteers share to the whole class. What is the purpose of the added scene with a drunk Ewell at the Robinson house?
Think-Pair-Share Think SILENTLY about the question below. When I say go, turn to someone near you and share. Volunteers share to the whole class. Is your impression of Mayella Ewell the same or different from the book? Why?