An Overview of the Curriculum Marlow’s Mission Statement GT Newsletter Kelly Fortson-GT Coordinator at MES 1st 9 Weeks Things to Know: GT Folder: Please remind your child to that he/she should keep up with the Purple GT folder so that it can be brought to GT every week. Snacks: We will try to have a snack each day in the GT classroom. Please send in snack donations, which include pretzels, goldfish, Cheez-its, etc. (anything dry and as least messy as possible ) Remind: If you have not already, make sure you sign up for Remind so you receive text messages regarding the happenings in the GT classroom (look for the PURPLE sheet in the folder). I am looking forward to a great year in the GT Resource classroom. Please feel free to always contact me with any questions or concerns. An Overview of the Curriculum Spanish (1st & 2nd ) Latin (3rd-5th ) Chess; P.E.T.S. (A curriculum for higher level thinking to explore divergent, convergent, evaluative, and visual/spatial thinking activities) STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) Novel Studies Current Events (4th & 5th ) Creativity Field Trips! We are in the process of confirming dates and will send home more information soon. 1st & 2nd: Okefenokee Swamp 3rd & 4th: Charleston: Aquarium & Fort Sumter 5th: Kennedy Space Center (Overnight Trip) Schedule Monday: 1st & 2nd Grade Tuesday: 5th Grade (1st semester) Wednesday: 3rd Grade Thursday: 4th Grade (1st Semester) *Students will attend Specials, Lunch, and Recess with their homeroom. Marlow’s Mission Statement Our mission is to provide a safe, supportive learning environment that will enable our students to grow academically and socially.