Branches of Philosophy
The Object of Philosophy Philosophy investigates the “Big Questions.” This means that it is concerned with ultimate questions about the entire universe. Nevertheless, these questions can be viewed from different perspectives and philosophy has developed several branches that approach the “Big Questions” differently.
Branches of Philosophy? Metaphysics Epistemology Ethics Logic
Metaphysics Metaphysics is the heart of philosophy. It investigates the existence of the universe and of ALL things in it. Questions: How did the universe come into existence? What is existence and non-existence? What KINDS of things exists in the universe? Does God exist? Do souls exist?
Epistemology Epistemology investigates KNOWLEDGE. Questions: What does it mean “to know”? What can we know? What is the difference between knowing and believing? How do you know that you know? How much evidence does one need for a belief to be considered knowledge?
Ethics Ethics studies what actions are morally right and wrong. Questions: Is there a right and wrong? Is right and wrong the same for everyone? What makes an action morally right and wrong? How can we know what is morally right or wrong in any given situation?
Logic Logic studies right reasoning and argumentation. Questions: Do all claims have a truth value? What is an argument? What is a good and bad argument?
Other Branches Aesthetics (Philosophy of Art and Beauty) Philosophy of History Political Philosophy Philosophy of Psychology Philosophy of Race and Ethnicity Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Education Philosophy of Mathematics Philosophy of Law Philosophy of Language Existentialism Phenomenology Pragmatism
Philosophy is the study of the ULTIMATE Philosophy studies that which is ultimate. It asks the most radical question in any area of research. Its questions go beyond the established areas of research. It probes underneath, It unveils assumptions other disciplines work off of.
Father of Philosophy Socrates (469-399 BCE) Character in Plato’s Dialogues
Plato (427-347 BCE) Apology Crito Republic Euthyphro Author of the Dialogues Apology Crito Republic Euthyphro