London Bridge Business Improvement District Crime Review October - December 2009 [PLEASE NOT THAT GUY’S HOSPITAL IS OUTSIDE THE BID AREA BUT INCLUDED FOR INFOMATION] Protective Marking: Restricted Publication scheme: No FOIA Exemption: Title & Version: Team London Bridge Crime Review Oct -Dec 2009 Purpose: Crime figure review within a specified geographical area Relevant to: Team London Bridge, Riverside SNT Summary: Breakdown of all mapped crime within B.I.D. by Initial Classification Author: Name C078172 Lindsay Rosser – Intelligence Analyst Business: MPS Southwark Safer Neighbourhoods Date created: 22/01/2010 Ratification date: ……… Review date: 01/04/2010………
Findings: hotspot map Three month hotspot map: are Hay’s Galleria and Guys Hospital. Other clusters surround the approaches to the London Bridge LT and over-ground stations and St Thomas Street.
Findings: incident map
This year Q3 total shows an increase back to Q1 levels, Findings: all crime, quarterly This year Q3 total shows an increase back to Q1 levels, and a 21.6% increase on Q3 2008.
Findings: top 12 comparison Compared with Q2, there has been a 9.34% increase in all crime, covering various crime types. Dips , Other Theft, Burglary nonres., ABH, Criminal Damage and Harassment being the most Numerous. Compared with Q3 0809, there has been a 21.65% increase in all crime, Dips Theft of Pedal Cycle, Burglary Nonres., Drugs Possession and Criminal Damage being the most significant contributors. *See slide 6
Findings:Other Theft through year Not increasing Other Theft took 40.57%of all incidents (last quarter 39.69%) and was numerically the largest category(n=114).