Supplemental Test for Determination of CO2 Emissions under Regional Conditions Results from Telco Oct. 30th, 2014 (Iddo, Markus, Helge, Andreas)


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Presentation transcript:

Supplemental Test for Determination of CO2 Emissions under Regional Conditions Results from Telco Oct. 30th, 2014 (Iddo, Markus, Helge, Andreas)

Possibility for Changes of ATCT Parameters and Settings ATCT – Open Issues Possibility for Changes of ATCT Parameters and Settings ATCT is a completely new test and has never been conducted in Type Approval history. New test facilities might be necessary (natural soak areas) Current text and settings based on only two test series at PSA and BMW Need for a validation phase which should start asap (not only at OEM labs!) Possibility for a revision (maybe not only for ATCT?) PSA will have results by the end ot this year Helge (TÜV Nord) will run a family validation program and will have results end of November + some more cool down curves + check if the procedure is ok from the perspective of a technical service

ATCT – Open Issues Definitions As there is a requirement that volume and weight for a ATCT family shall be within a 10% tolerance to the reference vehicle, a definition is necessary what material is counted as „insulation material“ in an engine compartment. 1st Proposal: Insulation materials means any material in the engine compartment attached to the engine and/or the chassis with a thermal insulation effect and characterized by a maximum heat conductivity of [0,1] W/(mK).  Confirmation of 10% tolerance regarding volume and weight still pending. Proposal ok to go into the text – numbers should be kept in „[ ]“ until we have the results from PSA and TÜV Nord

ATCT – Open Issues Humidity Required to adapt humidity to ambiant temperature. Proposal by Markus Bergmann to widen humidity to 80%:  3 – 8.1 g H2O/kg dry air (~30 to 80 % rel. Hum.) Agreed Calculation for FC Currently, the Family Correction Factor (FCF) only applies to CO2 Factor for Fuel Consumption (FC) required as well (but needs to be in line with FC calculation in the GTR) Agreed to wait for the results from the Pune meeting and to take over the GTR changes to the ATCT draft.

Measurement of soak area temperature (3.9.2 Provisions for Cool down) ATCT – Open Issues Measurement of soak area temperature (3.9.2 Provisions for Cool down) In contrast to the Type I test, the position of the temperature sensor in the natural soak are might have an impact on the cool down behavior. 1st Proposal Temperature sensor for the soak area should be located in a distance of max [xx] m to the measured vehicle and should be representative of the ambient temperature around the vehicle (…) 2nd Proposal ( Agreed to go into the draft text with [ ]) The location of the temperature sensor for the soak area shall be representative to measure the ambient temperature around the vehicle and shall be checked by the technical service.  The sensor shall be at least [10 cm] away from the wall of the soak area and shall be shielded against direct air flow. The air-flow conditions within the soak room in the vicinity of the vehicle shall represent a natural convection flow representative for the dimension of the room (no forced convection). ( could also be part of 3.6.1. TBD in Admin WG)

ATCT – Changes to the Document Added a 5 min floating average to the temperature of the soak area (in line with the Type 1 test @23°C now). 10% tolerance of heat release time of an active heat storage device now demonstrated by the OEM, as this can‘t be correctly measured today at Type approval. A revision clause is envisaged later when these technologies are further rolled out in the market. Reduced the tolerance of the soak time for the family check from 9-11h to 9h …9h+[15min/up to 120min on request of manufacturer]. Minor change : to gather family definitions in the same §, so to move the § into the § 3.9 and to change the title of the § 3.9.2 („Provision for cool down“) Agreed change