RWS 100 // 11-1-17 // Testa Halloween Hangover
Outline Announcements/Questions In-Class Writing Discussion of Wineburg and McGrew Group Work YouTube Videos on Digital Natives
Halloween What did y’all dress up as for Halloween?
Assignment Two Please look at my comments/feedback for assignment two on turnitin. It will help you for future assignments.
Friday’s Class On Friday, my supervisor is going to come and watch me teach. PLEASE COME ON FRIDAY!
Friday’s Class I will be talking about timed writing on Friday. The lecture can lead to you saving $1000 and not taking another RWS class after 200. Do me a solid and come on Friday.
Assignment 3 Questions? Anyone have any questions about assignment 3?
Assignment 3 Prompt Let’s talk.
In-Class Writing Do you trust Google after reading the articles we’ve read for class? Have the articles made you think differently about your own internet practices? Do you think digital literacy skills should be taught in schools?
Discussion Questions Discussion questions for Wineburg and McGrew.
Group Work Break up into groups for Wineburg/McGrew.
Team Brad Pitt Claims [Jazmin, Anthony, Dillon B, Alexis]
Team Will Smith Assumptions [Natalie, Trinity, Tom, Seiya]
Team Leonardo DiCaprio Evidence [Francisco, Riana, Jordan, Maxwell]
Team James Franco Range of concerns [Sean, Sofia, Riley, Jenna]
Team Ricky Martin Rhetorical Appeals [Lyndsey, Josh, Lauren, Danielle]
Team Ryan Gosling Rhetorical Strategies [Courtney, Arvin, Dillon S, Jasmine, Robert]
Group Work Team Brad Pitt: Claims [Jazmin, Anthony, Dillon B, Alexis] Team Will Smith: Assumptions [Natalie, Trinity, Tom, Seiya] Team Leonard DiCaprio: Evidence [Francisco, Riana, Jordan, Maxwell] Team James Franco: Range of concerns [Sean, Sofia, Riley, Jenna] Team Ricky Martin: Rhetorical Appeals [Lyndsey, Josh, Lauren, Danielle] Team Ryan Gosling: Rhetorical Strategies [Courtney, Arvin, Dillon S, Jasmine, Robert]
YouTube Video
Turn In/Up Work Turn in any work you did to get credit for it.