Structure of RGS4 Bound to AlF4−-Activated Giα1: Stabilization of the Transition State for GTP Hydrolysis John J.G. Tesmer, David M. Berman, Alfred G. Gilman, Stephen R. Sprang Cell Volume 89, Issue 2, Pages 251-261 (April 1997) DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80204-4
Figure 1 The RGS Fold (A) Primary and secondary structure of RGS4. The multiple sequence alignment was performed by CLUSTAL W using a secondary structure mask, defined per the structure of RGS4, to assign gap penalties. Only the residues observed in the crystal structure are shown in the alignment. The scale above the alignment gives the residue number of RGS4. Secondary structure is depicted as either a helix for α-helical residues or a thick line for coil. The RGS box consists of four segments, each defined by the color of its secondary structure: rust (segment 1), gold (segment 2), sage (segment 3), and slate (segment 4). The same coloring scheme is used to identify these segments in the tertiary structure of RGS4 (Figure 1B, Figure 2, 4 and 5). Residues highlighted in yellow are conserved residues that form the hydrophobic core of the RGS box. Residues highlighted in gray are conserved residues that make direct contacts with Giα1. The numbers beneath the alignment indicate RGS4 residues that contact switch regions of Giα1 and the specific switch with which they interact ([1], [2], and [3] = switches I, II and III, respectively). Contacts are defined as interatomic distances less than 4.0 Å. The primary sequences used in the alignment are S. pombe Yα8c (SwissProt accession number Q09777); S. cerevisiae Sst2 (P11972); A. nidulans FlbA (P38093); C. elegans EGL-10 (P49809), C05B5 (P34295), and F16H9 (P49808); and mammalian RGS-r, GAIP (P49795), RGS1 (Q08116), RGS2 (P41220), RGS3 (P49796), RGS4 (P49799), RGS7 (P49802), and RGS10. (B) Ribbon diagram depicting the tertiary structure of RGS4. The RGS4 box consists of nine helices that form two subdomains. The terminal subdomain is formed by α1, α2, α3, α8, and α9, and the bundle subdomain is formed by α4, α5, α6, and α7. The majority of residues that contact Giα1 are found along the bottom of the bundle subdomain, as shown here. Insertions found in lower eukaryotes occur at the top of the bundle subdomain, opposite of the Giα1-binding surface, and between α1 and α2. Cell 1997 89, 251-261DOI: (10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80204-4)
Figure 2 The RGS4–Giα1 Complex (A) Ribbon diagram of the RGS4–Giα1 complex viewed from the same orientation as in Figure 1B. RGS4 is drawn with the colored segments defined in Figure 1A. The Ras-like domain of Giα1 is drawn in dark gray, while the α-helical domain is drawn in light gray. The three switch regions of Giα1 (residues 176–184, 201–215, and 233–241, respectively) are drawn in red. GDP–Mg2+, bound in the active site of Giα1, is shown as a ball-and-stick model. For clarity, AlF4− is omitted from the figure. (B)Figure 2A rotated 90° around the vertical axis. RGS4 does not make significant contacts with the α-helical domain of Giα1 and interacts almost exclusively with the switch regions of the Ras-like domain. Cell 1997 89, 251-261DOI: (10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80204-4)
Figure 3 Interaction Footprints of the RGS4 and Giα1 Subunits in an “Open Book” Presentation The Giα1-binding surface of RGS4 is shown in (A), and the RGS4-binding surface of Giα1 is shown in (B). The view of the footprint in (A) corresponds to a 180° rotation around the vertical axis from the view in (B). In each case, the subunit is depicted by a predominantly purple ribbon that is colored green for residues that directly contribute to the interface. Side chains and backbone carbonyls that form contacts are drawn as ball-and-stick models. Oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon atoms are colored red, blue, and green, respectively. In (A), contacts with specific residues in Giα1 are indicated by arrows, and the name of the contacted residue is highlighted in yellow. Cell 1997 89, 251-261DOI: (10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80204-4)
Figure 4 Ribbon Diagram of the Interface between RGS4 and Giα1 GDP–Mg2+–AlF4− as well as the side chains that form specific contacts in the interface are depicted as ball-and-stick models. Hydrogen bonds are indicated by dotted lines. Secondary structure donated from different segments of RGS4 are drawn using the coloring scheme of Figure 1. Oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon atoms are colored red, blue, and gray, respectively. Cell 1997 89, 251-261DOI: (10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80204-4)
Figure 5 Electron Density Map at the RGS4–Giα1 Subunit Interface The side chain of switch I residue Thr-182 is completely buried by highly conserved residues from RGS4. Switch II residue Lys-210 forms an important salt bridge and hydrogen bond across the interface. The function of these residues, highly conserved in the Giα family, had not been previously established. The 2 Fo − Fc electron density map shown was calculated using SIGMAA-weighted phases derived from the current model of RGS4–Giα1 and is contoured at 1.0 standard deviation above the average density. The coloring scheme for atoms is described in Figure 4, except that carbon atoms from Giα1 are drawn in white and those from RGS4 are drawn in yellow. Cell 1997 89, 251-261DOI: (10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80204-4)
Figure 6 Stereo Diagram of the Active Site in RGS4–Giα1 AlF4− and the pyrophosphate moiety of GDP are modeled with gray and yellow bonds, respectively. Residues from Giα1 are drawn with light gray bonds, and residues from RGS4 are drawn with bonds colored according to their respective segments as defined in Figure 1. The coloring scheme for atoms is as described in Figure 4; in addition, Mg2+ is shown as a magenta sphere, and fluoride atoms are colored cyan. Hydrogen bonds are indicated by dotted lines. The active site is most similar to that observed in the Giα1–AlF4− structure. Cell 1997 89, 251-261DOI: (10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80204-4)
Figure 7 Superposition of the Active Site of RGS4–Giα1 with That of Giα1–GTPγS The view is the same as in Figure 6. Green ribbon, green bonds, and spherical atoms correspond to residues from RGS4–Giα1, and gray ribbon and bonds correspond to residues from Giα1–GTPγS. GTPγS and the hydrolytic water molecule from the Giα1–GTPγS structure are depicted in the active site. A putative hydrogen bond is drawn as a dotted line between the water molecule and Asn-128 from RGS4, suggesting that Asn-128 can assist catalysis by binding and orienting the attacking water molecule or hydroxide when RGS4 binds to the Giα1–GTP–Mg2+ complex. Cell 1997 89, 251-261DOI: (10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80204-4)