The State of Intelligent Design The North Texas Skeptics 17 October 2009
The State of Intelligent Design History Creation science Losses in court Intelligent Design to the rescue The wedge Kitzmiller revelation Here and now Propagandists Major players The Core Issue Of Intelligent Design
The State of Intelligent Design Creation Science Young Earth Bible based Complete denial of evolution Big loss in Arkansas (1982) and Louisiana (1987) Banned from public schools
The State of Intelligent Design Intelligent Design to the Rescue Drops any mention of G*d Features real scientists with real degrees Does not dispute the obvious (age of the Earth, etc.) Argument from complexity Opposition to natural processes
The State of Intelligent Design Origins of Intelligent Design Michael Denton, Richard Dawkins, Phillip Johnson Darwinism: Scientific Inference or Philosophical Preference” at Southern Methodist University (SMU) John Buell and the FTE: Pandas and People Discovery Institute Center for Science and Culture The Wedge
The State of Intelligent Design The Intelligent Design Agenda The Wedge Document An internal statement of policy and action Copy obtained and posted on the Web Embarrassing to the CSC but eventually acknowledged Countered by the So What document
The State of Intelligent Design The Wedge Five Year Goals To see intelligent design theory as an accepted alternative in the sciences and scientific research being done from the perspective of design theory. To see the beginning of the influence of design theory in spheres other than natural science. To see major new debates in education, life issues, legal and personal responsibility pushed to the front of the national agenda. Twenty Year Goals To see intelligent design theory as the dominant perspective in science. To see design theory application in specific fields, including molecular biology, biochemistry, paleontology, physics and cosmology in the natural sciences, psychology, ethics, politics, theology and philosophy in the humanities; to see its innuence in the fine arts. To see design theory permeate our religious, cultural, moral and political life.
The State of Intelligent Design Trouble in River City Kitzmiller and disaster in Pennsylvania What NCSE research revealed: transitional fossils. The lie of the origin of Intelligent Design. Subpoenaed drafts reveal the origins of Pandas in creationism.
The State of Intelligent Design Disaster in Dover Kitzmiller v. Dover Board of Education Abetted by the CSC Overt religious agenda Intelligent Design failed to present a case Perjury by the creationists Revealing evidence from NCSE A stinging rebuke from the bench Resulted in enormous spin campaign by the CSC So What Document
The State of Intelligent Design The Lie Behind Pandas Transitional Fossils Creation Biology (1983), p. 3-34
The State of Intelligent Design The Lie Behind Pandas Transitional Fossils Biology and Origins (1987), p. 3-38
The State of Intelligent Design The Lie Behind Pandas Transitional Fossils Of Pandas and People (1987, creationist version), p. 3-40
The State of Intelligent Design The Lie Behind Pandas Transitional Fossils Of Pandas and People (1987, “intelligent design” version), p. 3-41
The State of Intelligent Design The Workings of Intelligent Design Phillip Johnson Darwin on Trial The Right Questions: Answering the Toughest Questions about Intelligent Design The Wedge of Truth Reason in the Balance The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law, & Education Objections Sustained Defeating Darwinism - By Opening Minds
The State of Intelligent Design The Workings of Intelligent Design William Dembski Uncommon Dissent The Design Revolution The Design Inference No Free Lunch Intelligent Design Mere Creation; Science, Faith & Intelligent Design Unapologetic Apologetics Signs of Intelligence Debating Design
The State of Intelligent Design The Workings of Intelligent Design Jonathan Wells Icons of Evolution The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent DesignThe Design Inference
The State of Intelligent Design The Workings of Intelligent Design Videos Icons of Evolution Unlocking the Mystery of Life The Privileged Planet Expelled.
The State of Intelligent Design The Workings of Intelligent Design Propagandists Casey Luskin Robert Crowther David Berlinski David Klinghoffer Michael Egnor Anika Smith
The State of Intelligent Design The Workings of Intelligent Design Propaganda Trashing Judge Jones Expelled and the Nazis Emphasis on Ph.D. Dubious claims of peer-review
The State of Intelligent Design The Workings of Intelligent Design Appeal to Conservative Politics Glenn Beck Luskin on Fox Meyer on TV (other than conservative outlets)
The State of Intelligent Design The Workings of Intelligent Design Trench Warfare Tactics Teach the controversy Academic freedom Keep religious-based science out of the schools
The State of Intelligent Design The Workings of Intelligent Design Trench Warfare Tactics The controversy about evolution is exactly the opposition to evolution by creationists. Creationists produce the controversy by objecting to evolution. Then they propose to resolve the controversy by getting their own way. Academic freedom is not an open door to everything. The classic movie Debbie Does Dallas, along with creationism, falls among the topics that might be excluded. Calling reliance on natural causes a religion is sort of like calling a whale a fish. Herman Melville could get away with it, but Moby-Dick is fiction, and Melville was allowed a little artistic license. We do not need to be so kind to the new creationists.