Mrs. Follett Math Period 3, 6, & 7 Advanced Math- Period 5 All students take an extra class of Math called Workshop Period 2, one day every four.
MATH Number Sense Graphs Geometry & Measurement Statistics Algebra Equations!! Fractions Decimals Geometry & Measurement Ratios, Rates, Proportions Percent Integers Probability
Math is like a tiered cake…. In elementary school, the foundation of our Math skills have been made. This is our largest layer…these are our math facts, basic computation skills, and basic topics. Middle school starts the next layer. We begin to build on all the basics- getting into more depth. One-step problems become two-step problems. If the bottom layer is not strong, the struggled will begin to appear as we build on. Students need to see me for help if they are struggling. There is plenty of time for me to work with them. Math is like a tiered cake….
Materials Textbook--this will be kept by the student. Students are able to write in, highlight, etc. Books NEED to be covered- it is suggested to use contact paper (also called shelf liner), duct tape, or something that protects the cover from rips and damage. EACH student will be receiving online access to the textbook. They will have their own login/password.
HOMEWORK! Essential Part of Math Class Worth 20% of Grade NOT graded problem by problem Homework is meant to practice Expect Math HW each night!! ALL HW will be posted online on my website. Look for your child’s period class.
Advanced Math Contract- All students and parents should read this and sign it. Extremely important to understand the expectations of the Advanced program. Asking for help- just because your child is in Advanced Math does not mean they may not need help at various times. On the flip side, if your child is needing help on a daily basis, this might not be the correct placement. Re-evaluation will occur at various times throughout the year.
Report Cards/Progress Reports 5 Week Progress Reports available on Hamburg’s website through Parent Portal Quarterly Report Cards District is Paperless!! Contact the Guidance Office if you do not have access to a computer
Field Trips/ Fundraising Science based field trip- Reinstein Woods-coming soon! Social Studies based field trip- Medieval Times Costs could be defrayed with fundraising- this is optional Frito Lay Fundraiser- coming very soon
Parent/Teacher Communication e-mail ** This is best!! phone (646-3250) Extension 5111 (the number ‘5’ plus room #) Team 3 website- go to each teacher student planner
Books must be covered. Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete the ‘Million Words’ assignment about your child- I value these greatly. Course Expectation signatures need to be returned.
THANK YOU. I look forward to a great year THANK YOU! I look forward to a great year. PLEASE don’t hesitate to contact me with any further questions or concerns.