OFFER TO INVESTORS Placement of the tenant with management of the property
The landlord and the tenant needs to be approved by MPR . 1 MPR is entitled to finders fee or contract fees equal to 36% of the first calendar month’s rental payable in terms of any agreement of the lease on the property at any time. 2 In complexes with no security guards, security gates(burglar doors) must be installed at the unit. 3 MPR is entitled to recover 10% as commission per month plus VAT on all amounts collected and recovered. 4 Levies, Rates and Taxes will be paid by MPR on behalf of the Landlord, and will be deducted from the monthly rental due to the landlord. 2
OFFER TO TENANTS 1. Clean and Good Maintained property 2 OFFER TO TENANTS 1. Clean and Good Maintained property 2. A welcome voucher from Makro or Game Store 3. Laundry and cleaning at a monthly rate. 3