Oracle HFM Implementation Boot Camp Presented by Saravanan Singaravadivelan Developed by Saravanan Singaravadivelan Senior Consultant Qubix International Ltd
III. Profile and Metadata (Classic)
Metadata Development - Classic There are two components to metadata development Application Profile Defines Year, Period and View dimensions. Metadata Scenario, Account, Entity (and ICP via derivation), and Custom dimensions – also lists Currencies, Consolidation Methods, and Application Settings. Both of these components will be developed using the HFM Windows client software.
Application Profile One time setup. Defines: Year Period View Period and View dimensions cannot be changed once the application has been created. Profile is created on the Windows client. It also lists languages for member descriptions. Multiple applications can share the same application profile.
Metadata 3689.00 Data Metadata January actual sales for Cola in Manhattan are 3689.00.
Metadata Management - Classic Metadata in HFM dimensions can be changed over and over again. Metadata management can be performed either by inputting directly into the Windows client (Metadata Manager) or via uploading text file. To take effect, the metadata file or change is re-loaded into the application for the change to take effect. There are integrity checks within the software when loading metadata to the application. Metadata files can be extracted/loaded info HFM at any time, via the Web or Windows client.
Application Settings
Configuring Exchange Rate and Translation Settings Use the DefaultCurrency property to specify the default currency for the application. Use the DefaultRateForFlowAccounts and DefaultRateForBalanceAccounts properties to specify the accounts used to store exchange rates for flow accounts and balance accounts. Specify whether to use the PVA translation method
PVA Method The Periodic Value Add (PVA) method: Translates just the YTD change from the previous period at the current period’s exchange rate Adds this to the previous month translated balance Default Method PVA Method Jan Feb Exchange Rate 1:3 1:2 Local Currency YTD 50 75 Translated YTD 150 200 75 – 50 = 25 X 2 50 + 150 200 Current period increase/decrease at current period rate plus prior period balance
Consolidation Settings Org by Period Aggregation for intercompany accounts Custom consolidation rules The consolidation settings let you specify consolidation options for your application.
Org by Period Enable Org by Period if you need entity structures that vary from period to period. Gives you the option to mark entities as active or inactive for each period. You Org by Period is you have entity structures that vary from period to period. This lets you capture change of ownership between entities.
Intercompany Aggregations The IntercompanyAggregationWeight property lets you specify a consolidation percentage for intercompany entities to their parent ICP Top. ICP Top 0801 0802 Use the IntercompanyAggregationWeight property if you want to rollup only a percentage of the value for intercompany transactions.
Configuring Security Settings Securable dimensions: Account Entity Scenario ICP Custom dimensions Custom1 Custom2 Custom3 Custom4 Account You can assign data security to members of the Account, Entity, Scenario, ICP and Custom dimension. If you enable security for a dimension, users must have read or write access to the security class assigned to the member in order to view data for that member. If you do not enable security for a dimension, all users have read and write access to the members of the dimension. NodeSecurity lets you assign security to children through their parent. For example, if North America is the parent of East and West, giving read access to the security class for North America will also give them read access to East and West, even if they have None access to the security classes assigned to East and West. Enter Parent in the NodeSecurity field if you want children to inherit security Entity Scenario ICP
Enabling Metadata Filtering Entity SAGHC SAGIC SAGCOAC 0341 0342 0343 If users have access only to the children of SAGCOAC, the ancestors are displayed but are not selectable.
Consolidation Rules Enable Consolidation Rules if you need to write custom rules to override the default consolidation and elimination process. If you select this option, you can define consolidation methods. '************************************************* '* CONSOLIDATE ROUTINE * Sub Consolidate() '================================================= '= Do not Consolidate if Equity Method = ' If Method <> "EQUITY" then ' Call WriteToFile("Entity=" & Entity & " POWN=" & POWN & " PMIN=" & PMIN & "Account = " & Account) '------------------------------------------------- ' Default consolidation ' Call HS.Con("",PCon,"") If you select this option, you must write you own consolidation rules to consolidate data and eliminate intercompany balances.
Configuring Validation Account Settings The validation account is used by Process Control and for data locking. The validation account balance must be zero before data can be promoted or approved. Leave the ValidationAccount field blank if you do not want to use validation in process management.
Dimensions This version of HFM has 8 pre-built dimensions and configurable custom dimension, the combination of which point to a single data amount. The basic six dimensions: Dimension Description Example Scenario Type of data Actual Account Account Retained Profit Entity Organizational Unit Total Group Period Quarter, Month, Week June Year Year 2011 View Frequency of data Year to Date
Financial Management Dimensions Scenario Intercompany Partner Year Account Period Value View Entity
Dimensions Account Entity Period Profit Before Taxes SAGHC Quarter1 Gross Profit SAGIC Jan Total Revenues 0801 External Revenue Feb 0802 Intergroup Revenue Mar Total Cost of Sales 0803 Cost of Sales. Indirect Finance Expense / (Income) Admin Expense
Dimensions and Hierarchies Child of Gross Margin Parents Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit 500 Descendants of Gross Margin Total Revenues 900 700 External Revenue 200 Intergroup Revenue Total Cost of Sales 400 400 Cost of Sales.
Dimensions and Data Data aggregates to the parents. Profit Before Taxes Gross Profit 500 Total Revenues 900 External Revenue 700 Data is input to base-level members. Intergroup Revenue 200 Total Cost of Sales 400 Cost of Sales 400
Overview: Accounts and Custom Dimensions The Account dimension defines the chart of accounts for an application. Custom dimensions provide additional detail for accounts. Ten predefined account types provide built-in financial intelligence. Account Types Asset Balance Liability BalanceRecurring Revenue CurrencyRate Expense GroupLabel Flow Dynamic The Account dimension defines the chart of accounts for your application. The Account dimension provides 10 predefined account types. Account types determine how child accounts aggregate to their parents. They also determine how account balances accumulate over time Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Setting Up Account Types and Hierarchies Account types determine whether child values are added to or subtracted from their parent value. TotalRevenues are added to GrossProfit and Total Cost of Sales are subtracted. Revenue GrossProfit TotalRevenues TotalCost of Sales Expense Net Current Assets / (Liabilities) TangibleAssets TangibleAssetsDepr Asset When data is input to base level accounts, totals are automatically rolled up through the hierarchy Account types determines whether to add child values to or subtract them from the parent This lets you build financial calculations directly into your chart of accounts Liability Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Time Balance and Account Types Jan Feb Mar Quarter 1 Total Revenues Revenue 50 75 50 175 Cash on Hand Asset 100 150 75 75 Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Dynamic Account Type Accounts that use the Dynamic account type have this behavior: Results are calculated on the fly; data is not stored. Parent totals for accounts, custom dimensions, and time periods are calculated dynamically; they are not aggregated from children. Period-to-date views calculate correctly. The dynamic accounts type is need to correctly calculating percentages for summary time periods. It is primarily used for accounts that calculate ratios and percentages For example, the Gross Percentage might be 25%, 20% and 25% for January, February and March respectively. If Gross Margin is a non-dynamic account, the Quarter 1 result would be Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Group Label Account Type These accounts are not aggregated to a meaningful value.
Setting Up Accounts and Custom Dimensions
Assigning Custom Members to Accounts Custom2 members are not valid for Share Capital. [None] in Custom2 is valid for Share Capital. You can restrict which custom members are valid for an account. For example, since the cash on hand is not tracked by product, you could restrict the Cash account so that data entry or data load into the custom dimension members for products is not allowed. Restricting custom members for an account prevents errors in data entry and reduces the database size. The TopMember field for each custom dimension on the Member Attributes tab lets you specify the member valid for an account. You specify a parent member from the custom dimension. The specified parent and its descendants will be the only members valid for data load and data entry for the account. You can enter the keyword All to make all members of the custom dimension valid for the account. If you leave the TopMember field blank for a custom dimension, no members of that dimension are valid for the account. In the illustration, Cash has no Custom1 top member assigned, so the Custom1 members are invalid for data entry and data load for Cash. The cells at the intersection for Cash and Custom1 are shaded red to indicate they are invalid. Cash has ClosingBalances assigned as the top member for Custom4, so ClosingBalance and its descendants are valid for data entry and data load for Cash. Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Balance Sheet Accounts and Custom Dimensions You can use custom dimension members to track movement detail for balance sheet accounts. ClosingBalance = OpeningBalance + Acquired + Subsidiaries Sold
Custom Dimensions and Account Types These members use the default account behavior. ClosingBalance OpeningBalance Increases These members need to show YTD balances. This member needs to be added to closing balance and entry to be negative. Decreases
Intercompany Account Properties These are the properties for intercompany accounts: IsICP PlugAcct ICPTopMember
Other Account Properties Additional account properties enable you to specify: Whether account data is calculated or input Whether account data is aggregated to the parent Whether data for custom dimensions is aggregated for the account The number of decimal places Whether line-item detail is allowed Rules calculation information for the account The submission group for process control
Setting Up Entities Entity [None] Geographical UnitedStates California Activity California UnitedStates Geographical Plant1 WestSales Connecticut EastSales When you run a consolidation, data rolls up from children to parents as defined in the Entity dimension hierarchy If a member is placed in more than one location in the hierarchy, be sure that the rollups it is part of have different top-level parents so that the data for the entity does not get counted twice. In the illustration, EastSales and WestSales are members of both a geographical rollup with Geographical as the top member and a rollup based on functional area with Activity as the top member. Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Requirements for Entities Before adding an entity, you should have this information: The parent to which the entity’s data rolls up The input currency for the entity Whether adjustments through journal should be allowed for the entity The security class for the entity Whether the entity can be a partner in intercompany transactions For statutory applications, the holding company for the entity Before Adding Entities Holding companies are used in statutory consolidations. In these consolidations the consolidation path does not always match the dimension hierarchy. The holding company identifies the owner of the member, which might not be its parent in the hierarchy. The default parent is used by functions in reports and rules that need refer to a member parent value. If there is more than on parent, the function will use the default parent. Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Entities and Journals The AllowAdj property enables posting of journal adjustments to the Ent Curr Adjs member for an entity. The AllowAdjFromChildren property enables posting of journal adjustments to the Parent Adjustment and Contribution Adjustment nodes of the Value dimension. Journals let you make adjustment to accounts after the account data has been loaded or entered. Unadjusted values are input to the <Entity Currency> member. Adjustments from journals are posted to the <Entity Curr Adj> member. The adjusted value in <Entity Curr Total> is aggregated to the parent during consolidation Use the AllowAdj propertu to enable or disable journal adjustments for each entity If you have entities that rollup to more than one parent, you can enable the the AllowAdjFromChildren option for the parent entities. This let you apply an adjustment for a child to a selected parent rather than to all parents. Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Entities and Intercompany Partners Specifies whether the entity is displayed as a member in the ICP dimension ISICP Property The ISIcp property for entities specified whether they can be partners in intercompany transactions. Member for which the ISICP property is selected automatically displays as members in the ICP dimension. The ICP dimension is used to specify the intercompany partner in a transaction. Security as Pattern Property You might have users should not want to have edit rights to an entity, but should be able to eliminate intercompany transactions with that entity. You can specify a separate security class for an entity when it acting as an intercompany partner. An entity can only have intercompany transactions with partners that have a matching security class. Specifies a security class for the entity Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Entities and the ICP Dimension The ICP dimension includes all members of the Entity dimension for which the IsICP property is selected. Members of the Entity dimension Members of the ICP dimension SAGIC 0801 0802 0803 0801 0802 IsICP member attribute selected The ICP Dimension contains a system-generated list of the members from the entity dimension that have IsICP selected. You use the ICP dimension to specify the partner for an entity when entering intercompany transactions The only properties you can edit for members in the ICP dimension are the description and security class. Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Adding Currencies Every Financial Management application must include a currency dimension. The currency dimension must include a currency for each default currency assigned to an entity in the Entity dimension. Currency members Entity members The currencies you define for your application are use to store translated values for entities. Each currency you add will be listed in the Value dimension. You can select a currency from the Value dimension to view data values translated to that currency. The currencies also display as system-generated members in the Custom1 and Custom2 dimensions. You use these members for entering currency exchange rates. The scale for a currency specifies the unit in which amounts are displayed and stored for the currency by identifying where the decimal point is placed. It also determines how the exchange rate must be entered. For example, if data is scaled to thousands, a value of 1 entered on a data entry form is stored as 1000 in the database. Specify one of the following values for Scale: § blank = No scaling§ 0 = Units§ 1 = Tens§ 2 = Hundreds§ 3 = Thousands§ 4 = Ten Thousands§ 5 = Hundred Thousands§ 6 = Millions§ 7 = Ten Millions§ 8 = Hundred Millions§ 9 = Billions Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Setting Up Calendars The Financial Management calendar is defined by the year, period, and view dimensions. You can customize the start year, number of years, base periods, summary periods, and period-to-date views. You cannot modify the calendar dimensions for an application after it is deployed.
Setting Up Scenarios The Scenario dimension represents a set of related data, such as budget, actual, or forecast. Information for scenarios: Data frequency Default data view, periodic or year-to-date Periodic or YTD consolidation Process management options Enable or disable line-item detail Enable or disable data audit
Frequency and View The frequency of a scenario specifies the time period level at which data can be input; for example, months or quarters. The default data view for a scenario can be either periodic values or year-to-date values. Year to Date gives a running total. January February March Quarter 1 Periodic 10 15 35 Year to Date 20 Hyperion Financial Management give you the flexibility to input and view either periodic or year to date data values. For example, if you input your data as year to date values, when you select Periodic as the data view, Hyperion Financial Management will automatically derives the periodic values from the year to date values. Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
View and Missing Data Missing data can be interpreted as either zero for the current period (Periodic) or as zero for year to date (YTD). You can specify separate settings for nonadjusted data and for adjusted data. Budget scenario uses ZeroView=Periodic. Forecast scenario uses ZeroView=Periodic. Actual scenario uses ZeroView=Periodic. Hyperion Financial Management interprets missing data as zeros for display on reports and for calculating summary time periods. For each scenario you can specify whether zeros for missing data are interpreted as zero for the current period or zero year to date. The example shows a periodic view of data, with data missing for August. The Budget scenario interprets missing data as zero for the current period, so the value for August displays as zero. The Forecast scenario interprets missing data as zero for the year to date value. Since July had a value of 75, the current period value for August is interpreted as -75, to result in a year to date value of 0 for August. Data for December is missing. Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Scenarios and Process Control Process Management is the management of the review and approval process. Data is grouped into process units for review. A process unit is the combination of data for a specific Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity. Each process unit can have up to 10 levels of review. Process management is enabled or disabled by scenario. EnableProcessManagment: Select this option to make process management available for a scenario. MaximumReviewLevel: This option specified the maximum level of review for process units for this scenario. Enter a number from 1 to 10. Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Scenarios and Process Control Process Control is enabled by scenario. Process Management is the management of the review and approval process. Data is grouped into process units for review. A process unit is the combination of data for a specific Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity. Each process unit can have up to 10 levels of review. Process management is enabled or disabled by scenario. EnableProcessManagment: Select this option to make process management available for a scenario. MaximumReviewLevel: This option specified the maximum level of review for process units for this scenario. Enter a number from 1 to 10. Copyright © 2003 HP corporate presentation. All rights reserved.
Dimensions – cont’d The remaining ones provide account detail: ‘Intercompany Partner’ Specifies the partner entity for intercompany balances. Custom dimensions Custom Dimensions can be configured by account to store additional detail Customs Dimensions can be shared across accounts or unique to a single account Examples could be departmental analysis, cost centre, BS movement detail. The last dimension ‘Value’, Shows how the data consolidates from child entity to parent entity. Provides an audit trail of the transformation applied to the data.
Dimensions – Custom1..xx The number of Custom dimensions are now specified in profile. The first two Custom dimensions are created automatically. These are used for exchange rates. The first dimension is used for “From Currency” information, and the second dimension is used for “To Currency” information. Additional Custom dimensions can be created depending on business needs. Appropriate size must be selected depending on number of members. Small – up to 127 members Medium – 128 members up to 32,767 members Large – more than 32,767 members
Dimensions – Value Contribution level - the value added to a parent from a child entity. Elimination level – where the Intercompany elimination is performed. Parent level - value added from Parent Currency. Parent Currency level – data viewed at parent entity currency. Entity Currency level – the level of input of data, at the default currency for the entity. Currency level – used to view data at an alternate currency.
Dimensions – Point of View The point of view refers to the combination of the members specified for each of the dimensions. Example, a report may have accounts in the rows and years in the columns – the remaining dimensions would make up the point of view. The point of view is typically how end users navigate through the dimensions to select what they wish to view, report, analyze, etc. The usage is similar to other Hyperion products.
Exercise: Profile and Metadata (Classic)
Main Steps: Lab 2 Create application profile Create a new application Manage Metadata Build Custom1-4 and Account structures Build currency and scenario dimensions Build Entity structure Define application settings and consolidation methods Load and extract metadata