Chapter 1 How Food Affects Life Part 1 The Importance of Food Note: This chapter covers the history of food, decision making, and factors that affect food choices and the food supply. This presentation displays the text objective related to each of these topics, followed by information to help students achieve the objective.
Objective Discuss: What do you know about how the search for food has affected individuals and groups throughout the ages? Why might historians and anthropologists be interested in the food habits of early people? Explain how the search for food led to the development of civilization. See final slide for photo credit
The History of Food Early people searched for food to survive. People formed tribes to hunt together. Farming and herding evolved and the food became more reliable. People learned crafts and trading began. Discuss: Why would early people have had to search for food? What advantage would there be to forming a tribe and hunting for food with others? Why would the evolution of farming and herding have made the food supply more reliable? Why would a change in the way people acquired food have an influence on the learning of crafts and trades?
The Migration of Food People searched for food in distant places. Explorers introduced foods in new lands. European countries established colonies and empires grew. Discuss: Why would people have traveled to distant lands to search for food? What foods would explorers have introduced in the lands they visited? How would searching for food in distant lands have led to the establishment of colonies and the growth of empires? What foods do you eat that came from other countries?
Objective Discuss: Can you list the steps of the decision-making process? What is the value of carefully thinking through a decision rather than simply making a quick choice? Use the steps of the decision-making process to make food choices.
Making Choices About Foods Discuss: What other questions do you ask yourself about food and eating? How often do you ask yourself such questions as: What should I eat? When should I eat? Where should I eat?
The Decision-Making Process State the decision to be made. List your alternatives. Weigh the pros and cons of each alternative. Make a decision and act on it. Evaluate your decision. Discuss: What is an example of a decision you might make about food? (Use one of the students’ examples to work through the steps of the decision-making process.)
Apply It! Your family is expecting dinner in 30 minutes, and it’s your turn to cook. There are some chicken breasts in the refrigerator. Discuss: What is the decision to be made? What are your alternatives? What are the pros and cons of each alternative? Which alternative will you choose and why? What factors will help you determine how satisfied you were with the decision you made? Use the steps of the decision-making process to determine what you will serve for dinner.
Objective Describe how food relieves hunger and improves wellness. Discuss: When you eat, what happens in your body that causes your hunger to be satisfied? Why is it important to choose healthful foods? Describe how food relieves hunger and improves wellness.
Food Meets Physical Needs Discuss: What kinds of functions does your body perform? What kinds of activities require you to move your muscles? When might a body need to build or repair tissues? Food Provides energy energy for muscle movement substance to build and repair tissues
Food Relieves Hunger When you eat, your brain receives a message that your physical need for food has been met. Discuss: For what reasons do people eat, other than to satisfy their physical need for food? When do you usually feel hungry?
Food Improves Wellness Food helps you grow and develop physically manage mental stress feel strong and energetic in social relationships Discuss: Why does total wellness involve more than just feeling well physically? At what age do physical growth and development end? What are common sources of mental stress? With whom do you have social relationships?
Objective Discuss: What cultural, social, and psychological factors can you identify that might affect a person’s food choices? Why is it important to be aware of how such factors can influence food choices? Outline cultural, social, and psychological influences on food choices.
Cultural Influences on Food Choices National origin Religion Holidays Discuss: How do cultural influences in the United States differ from cultural influences in some other countries? What types of foods and eating practices come to mind when you think of Italian? Chinese? Mexican? Jewish? Hindu? Ramadan? Christmas? Kwanzaa?
Social Influences on Food Choices Family Friends Mass media Food product trends Discuss: How are your food choices affected by family? friends? mass media? food product trends?
Psychological Influences on Food Choices Food can connect with emotions appeal to the senses provide a creative outlet Discuss: How would you describe the look of a roast turkey? the smell of brownies? the sound of someone eating potato chips? the feel of ice cream on your tongue? the taste of pizza? How can people be creative when they prepare foods? How do you feel when you eat your favorite food?
Objective List factors that affect the food supply. Discuss: What factors do you think might affect the availability of various food products? What might researchers, farmers, and others involved in food production and distribution do to address these factors and maintain a stable food supply? List factors that affect the food supply.
Factors That Affect the Food Supply Agriculture affects the costs and availability of foods. Environment affects what crops grow best in a given region. Discuss: What food products are likely to cost more in your region of the country than in some other region? What products are likely to cost less? What are the reasons for these price differences?
Government and Economics Government policies and laws affect food production, processing, packaging, and transportation. The economic law of consumer supply and demand affects the variety and prices of foods offered for sale. Discuss: Do government policies and laws affecting the food supply help you feel more confident that the foods you eat are safe and wholesome? Explain why or why not. Assume a college campus has a high consumer demand for pizza. How are the variety and price of pizza available on campus likely to compare with the variety and price in an off-campus market area?
Technology Affects the Food Supply Nutrient content Availability Safety Discuss: How do you feel about food technologists changing the nutrient content of the foods you eat? Where is the availability of food a concern? What concerns do you have about the safety of the foods you eat? What new food products have you seen on the market as a result of technology?
How does food affect your life? Key Question Note: Encourage students to use this question to help them review chapter information and apply it to their lives. How does food affect your life?
Other Questions to Consider Discuss: What other questions did this chapter raise that you would like to explore? How does advertising affect food choices? What food product trends are you seeing in the marketplace? What role does economics play in the problem of world hunger?
Photo Credits The image used herein was obtained from IMSI’s Master Photos Collection 1895 Francisco Blvd. East San Rafael, CA 94901-5506