Bell Ringer Write a 3 sentence summary of what we read yesterday.
Question 7: Why does Brutus discourage the conspirators from swearing an oath about what they are planning to do? What does that tell you about his motive?
Question 8+9: What do we learn about Cicero from Metellus’s lines 145-150? Why do the conspirators think his support would be useful as compared to how they discuss Brutus in act 1? Does Casca seem like a person who is firm in his position on serious issues or like someone who is easily convinced to change his mind? Explaining using details from both acts 1 and 2.
Question 10: What do we infer about Caesar’s response to the omens in lines 196- 204? How might Caesar’s superstition cause problems moving forward?
Question 11: Why do you think Cassius insists on all the conspirators going to get Caesar and bring him to the capitol instead of Decius going alone?
Question 12: Why is Portia worried about Brutus? What can you tell about your relationship by this?
Question 13: What do you learn about Portia in this scene and how is she characterized?
Exit Ticket
Exit Ticket Why does Brutus tell the group that they should not kill Antony? What does this tell us about him? How does Brutus change after he decides to join the faction against Caesar? Think about how this contrasts with his behavior from Act I. Read the following quote and explain what you learn about Portia from what she says here. If that were true, then I’d know your secret. I admit I’m only a woman, but nevertheless I’m the woman Lord Brutus took for his wife. I admit I’m only a woman, but I’m still a woman from a noble family—I’m Cato’s daughter. Do you really think I’m no stronger than the rest of my sex, with such a father and such a husband? Tell me your secrets. I won’t betray them. I’ve proved my trustworthiness by giving myself a voluntary wound here in my thigh. If I can bear that pain, then I can bear my husband’s secrets.