New York City Mathematics Project Tammy La Guarina October 28, 2017 As of 5/27/15 Five Practices that Promote Conceptual Understanding and Student Discussion New York City Mathematics Project Tammy La Guarina October 28, 2017 1
AGENDA Welcome & Introductions Five Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions Harry’s Hike Debrief
Getting to Know the Five Practices 1- Anticipating 2- Monitoring 3- Selecting 4- Sequencing 5- Connecting
Anticipating Create your mathematical objective Choose rich task Solve the problem yourself Make a list of possible approaches (including misconceptions) Think of possible questions based on these approaches that will push students’ thinking
Monitoring While students are working on the task… Listen, observe and identify key strategies Keep track of approaches (monitoring chart) Ask probing or clarifying questions
Selecting As you are monitoring… Decide what approaches/which students you want to highlight Purposefully select those students whose work will advance the mathematical ideas in your objective
Sequencing Ask yourself… In what order do you want to present the student work samples? e.g.: Concrete to abstract, Misconceptions first… How will students share their work: document camera, draw on board?...
Connecting Craft questions to make the mathematics visible Compare and contrast 2 or 3 students’ work- what are the relationships? How does these representations impact your objective?
Harry’s Hike
Tammy La Guarina Bronx Field Support Center Mathematics Instructional Lead